custom software development services


Release date: September 5th, 2024

Release notes:

Newsmag - Version:

  • improvement: Updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • fix: Page Templates section doesn't appear;
  • fix: Changed tagDiv Composer version to address a reported vulnerability (the issue was already resolved in version 5.4.3).

Newsmag - Version: 5.4.3

  • new: Theme Panel option to enable loading WebP images on blocks;
  • new: New twitter X account connect app for social counter;
  • new: Multiple filter: support for taxonomy name using prefix tdtax_ (e.g. tdtax_movies);
  • improvement: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: Newsletter – added width/height/alt on image (styles with image);
  • improvement: Eliminated attachment_url_to_post() function used on Theme Panel header/footer logos;
  • improvement: Added Alt on author gravatar/image;
  • improvement: Update translations po_mo files;
  • improvement: Option to show/hide links in Excerpts;
  • improvement: Option to replace self hosted video row background with an image or video on mobile;
  • fix: XSS vulnerability;
  • fix: Facebook/Instagram business connect error ( added business_management app review permission );
  • fix: The reCaptcha on comments interferes with other reCaptcha plugins;
  • fix:  Security fixes – vulnerability report from Wordfence;
  • fix: Colorpicker – Fixed a UI issue with selected global colors;
  • fix: Yoast analyzer;
  • fix: Removed instagram ID & personal accounts sources (discontinued);
  • fix: Fixed a style issue with the sidebar in Firefox.
  • fix: Theme Panel logo width/height;
  • fix: Covid shortcodes are deprecated;
  • fix: Refactored some of the code in the td_util::adjustBrightness() function.

Newsmag - Version: 5.4.2

  • new: WordPress 6.4 compatibility;
  • new: Google reCaptcha will apply also on WP Register page;
  • new: Steam integration in Social Counter plugin;
  • new: Hide Mobile Menu and Mobile Search options in Theme Panel;
  • new: Height option in the CSS tab of the elements;
  • improvement: Dequeued Gutenberg block library CSS on pages using tagDiv Composer blocks or on any other page excluding posts, CPTs or regular pages;
  • improvement: Authors box – Authors can now be sorted randomly;
  • improvement: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • fix: Demo import PHP warning;
  • fix: Single Background Image – replaced ‘a’ tag with ‘span’ when url is not set;
  • fix: Extra class on Video Embed shortcode;
  • fix: Scroll issue on Mobile Search;
  • fix: Featured image option doesn’t appear when Mobile + AMP is set;
  • fix: Twitter new logo;
  • fix: Page templates settings section doesn’t appear;
  • fix: Social Share issue;
  • fix: Execute reCaptcha code for comments only if the Theme Panel option is enabled;
  • fix: Adapted the ‘readable_color’ method to also deal with #RRGGBBAA, #RRGGBB, rgba() and rgb() color formats;
  • fix: Facebook account cached data;
  • fix: Facebook business updates and get image(save media image as attachment);
  • fix: Current/active page for List Menu items shortcode;

Newsmag - Version: 5.4.1

  • fix: XSS vulnerability – courtesy to Automattic team;

Newsmag - Version: 5.4

  • IMPORTANT: Security Update - Please update your theme to the latest version.
  • new: Wordpress latest version compatibility;
  • new: Embed Video shortcode;
  • new: Multiple taxonomies filter on blocks;
  • new: Option to limit TP backups;
  • improvement: Open posts in new tab on blocks;
  • improvement: We have updated the Google fonts list;
  • improvement: We’ve updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: Open in general modal post content images without media link;
  • improvement: Option to us Google recaptcha global domain;
  • improvement: List Menu shortcode ;
  • fix: Security update;
  • fix: Footer Instagram with personal account;
  • fix: Self hosted video;
  • fix: Yoast analyzer;
  • fix: Removed wp_getimagesize() from header/footer logo;
  • fix: Other css fixes;

Newsmag - Version: 5.3

  • new: Option to set a loader image;
  • new: Added Twitch to Social Counter;
  • new: Mega Menu – Support for the Taxonomy term;
  • new: Option to hide Rows and Columns for the logged-in users or visitors;
  • improvement: Added dynamic cpt class on modules;
  • improvement: Custom label option is available also for CPT;
  • improvement: Option to remove via from Twitter share url;
  • improvement: Google Recaptcha will also apply to Comments;
  • improvement: Set video thumbnail as Featured Image on CPT;
  • improvement: Option in Theme Panel to enable/disable for AggregateRating Schema;
  • improvement: Get image from external URL on Single Background Image shortcode;
  • improvement: Image position option for Single Background Image;
  • improvement: Support for Vimeo unlisted videos;
  • improvement: Added KakaoStory, Koo & GETTR share/icon and Strava social icon;
  • improvement: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: We've updated the WP Bakery plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: Replaced attachment_url_to_postid() function with wp_getimagesize() one for logo sizes;
  • improvement: Option to Enable/Disable the lightbox effect on the Gutenberg Gallery shortcode;
  • fix: Exchange API;
  • fix: Added option in Theme Panel for “nofollow” link on module thumbnail;
  • fix: Remove login modal html when registration is not needed;
  • fix: Reset for theme’s Gutenberg settings;
  • fix: Issue adding modal when custom url is set on image;
  • fix: Subcategories appear now on widgets filter;
  • fix: Tiktok on the Social Counter;
  • fix: MailerLite issue on tagDiv Newsletter plugin;
  • fix: Facebook login;
  • fix: Fixed a fatal error coming from Opt-In Builder;
  • fix: Disable Mobile Theme on an individual page with Child Theme active;
  • fix: Scroll on the mobile menu/mobile search click;
  • fix: Remove AMP when Mobile Theme is disabled on an individual page;
  • fix: Page templates settings on WordPress > 6.0;
  • fix: Admin URL exposed in source code;
  • fix: Ajax loop vulnerability;

Newsmag - Version: 5.2.3

  • fix: Added an extra security check to avoid potential vulnerability in Theme Options.

Newsmag - Version: 5.2.2

  • fix: Security Update - Removed the Facebook login for security concerns.

Newsmag - Version: 5.2.1

  • new: WordPress 6.0 compatibility;
  • new: Added Facebook Login functionality;
  • new: Option to exclude posts from specific tag on blocks (-slug);
  • new: Captcha on comment submit;
  • new: Option to disable the sticky menu on the Mobile Theme;
  • new: Option to set the background color for mobile navigation toolbar from Theme Panel;
  • improvement: Added the WhatsApp social icon;
  • improvement: Raw Html ACE editor;
  • improvement: Added show posts/comments options on Authors Box;
  • improvement: Video Popup Ad – Added do_shortcode() support;
  • improvement: Added home.php template on Mobile Theme - used by page_for_posts blog
  • improvement: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: 'Review' schema now works with points and percents;
  • improvement: Added nofollow option in Theme Panel for block thumbnail;
  • improvement: Added Subtitle, Source and Via on CPT Settings;
  • improvement: Exclude current post from blocks;
  • fix: Column Text and Text with Title issue on WordPress 6.0;
  • fix: MegaMenu with subcategories issue on WordPress 6.0;
  • fix: Don't download video thumb if featured image is set;
  • fix: Added some texts to Translations;
  • fix: Losing style on buddypress templates
  • fix: Fatal error on YouTube playlist;
  • fix: Menu/search gradient (opacity) issues on AMP;
  • fix: Fatal error in specific conditions;
  • fix: Pattern for the Category number in the widget;
  • fix: Comment moderation message on the Mobile Theme;
  • fix: Remove Login/Register HTML when the user is logged in;
  • fix: theme.json issue on Mobile Theme
  • fix: List Menu - The menu hover color option now also applies for the current menu element classes;
  • fix: Missing theme meta boxes (conflict with some plugins)
  • fix: Missing subcategories in widgets filter.

Newsmag - Version: 5.2

  • new: WordPress 5.9 compatibility;
  • new: Added new features in the tagDiv Opt-in Builder, such as Paywall System, Membership Subscriptions, Unlimited Plans, PayPal Payment.
  • new: 8 new shortcodes for tagDiv Opt-in Builder plugin, ready to use with the tagDiv Composer frontend page builder;
  • new: 2 new shortcodes for the tagDiv Opt-in Builder plugin ready to use with the Gutenberg editor;
  • new: Flipboard social share option in the Theme Panel under the Social Share section;
  • new: Copy URL social share option in the Theme Panel under the Social Share section;
  • new: New social icons: Medium, GETTR, Parler, Gab, CloutHub, Rumble, Patreon, Github;
  • new: Added Extra Label option;
  • new: Added ‘Google reCaptcha v3’ on the Login/Register modal;
  • new: New ‘Social Share’ shortcode to use on the page;
  • improvement: Update Google Fonts list to include the latest fonts;
  • improvement: Added URL option for the Single Image shortcode;
  • improvement: Self hosted video support for video background on Row;
  • improvement: Autosave backup for the Theme Panel Settings before the theme update;
  • improvement: Added the ‘Limit Authors’ option on the Authors Box shortcode;
  • improvement: Added ‘Sorting Options’ for the last popular 24-48 hours posts;
  • improvement: Updated PO MO translation files;
  • improvement: Update Revolution Slider;
  • fix: Structured data fix, missing URL for the author;
  • fix: Autoplay for videos: Your videos can now start playing without sound on page load;
  • fix: Page templates on Classic editor;
  • fix: WPML string translation on the Mobile Theme;
  • fix: Pinterest;
  • fix: Instagram feeds;
  • fix: Sticky Video issue;
  • fix: Image caption on AMP;
  • fix: Opt-in Builder assigns the lead a cookie even if the email is already in the list;
  • fix: Mobile Theme on WP Multisite;
  • fix: Social Counter plugin style for multiple shortcodes on the page issue;
  • fix: Edit with tagDiv Composer button for contributors/authors;
  • fix: Update plugins on server;
  • fix: Set the full size of an image for the AMP Image Size (Google requirements);
  • fix: jQuery shorthand deprecation warnings;
  • fix: Dailymotion Get/Set Featured Image issue;
  • fix: Updated the API URL for the covid-related shortcodes;
  • fix: Modified date on the Mobile Theme;

Newsmag - Version: 5.1

  • new: tagDiv Opt-In Builder plugin - Generate leads and increase conversion rates with opt-in content lockers and subscription lists. tagDiv Opt-In Builder helps you easily create content lockers, subscribing lists and gives your visitors a compelling reason to enter their email address (opt-in) to unlock your content;
  • new: Leads shortcode - We know that collecting leads is essential for your business. We've added a new shortcode in the tagDiv Composer page builder to help you in marketing efforts. With Leads Shortcode, you can easily design a form that collects emails and place it on your website where you like it;
  • new: Post content locker - Newsmag Theme now can lock the content of an article and allow users to view content based on an email subscription; 
  • new: Filter option added on blocks to display the Locked articles on Flex Blocks - 'Show exclusive posts only.' It works as standalone or in combination with other filtering options existing on the content blocks;
  • new: Option to display the "Exclusive" badge on Flex Blocks and globally on modules to mark the locked articles;
  • improvement: Wordpress 5.8;
  • improvement: Support for new Wordpress Widget Builder;
  • improvement: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: Redesigned activation message in wp-admin;
  • improvement: Option to Deactivate/Delete panel backups;
  • improvement: Added Author on Module 1 in the Mobile Theme plugin;
  • fix: Reset - delete just the Theme Panel settings option;
  • fix: Custom placeholder on Mobile Theme;
  • fix: Option to add js code after the body tag;
  • fix: Page template settings in Gutenberg;
  • fix: Raw HTML cannot be selected in tagDiv Composer;
  • fix: Added Print for translation;
  • fix: Remove JS block editor for mobile, on widgets.php section.

Newsmag - Version: 5

  • new: Instagram Connect System in the Theme Panel>Social Networks section for personal or business Instagram accounts;
  • new: Option in Theme Panel->Template Settings to disable ToTop button;
  • new: Added title_tag (Seo) option on block;
  • new: Added TikTok option for Social Counter;
  • improvement: tagDiv Composer performance;
  • improvement: Theme performance on the memory allocation;
  • improvement: Updated Facebook and Instagram to the new API in Social Counter;
  • improvement: Width and height attribute on header/footer logo;
  • improvement: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: tagDiv Newsletter duplicated queries;
  • improvement: Added Lazy Load animation on the Image Box and Single Image element;
  • fix: Favicon on Mobile Theme;
  • fix: Added form tag and label for Sign In input;
  • fix: CSS fix - Image Caption on Mobile Theme and AMP;
  • fix: Some characters like "]" that break shortcodes structure;
  • fix: Twitter URL - author socials;
  • fix: Autosave backup for the Theme Panel settings;
  • fix: Image thumbnail for Vimeo videos;
  • fix: Vimeo playlist error;
  • fix: Captions from Image Gallery appear in the excerpt;
  • fix: Prevent sending XSS injection in block ID and block attribute - courtesy to Truoc Phan of Techlab Corporation;
  • fix: Some string translations on the Mobile theme;
  • fix: Undo/redo history in tagDiv Composer due to memory limit on local storage;

Newsmag - Version: 4.9.6

  • new: tagDiv Theme Welcome Page;
  • new: WordPress 5.6 compatibility – Newsmag Theme is now compatible with the latest WordPress version;
  • new: Flickr block;
  • new: Video pop-up for Single Image shortcode;
  • improvement: tagDiv Composer history system performance;
  • improvement: WooCommerce compatibility;
  • improvement: We've updated the WPBakery plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • fix: Facebook oembed fix for featured videos (the thumbnail generator system is deprecated and it will not be supported anymore);
  • fix: Facebook social counter;
  • fix: wpb_wrapper - selector used on columns;
  • fix: excerpt length issue;
  • fix: illegal string warning on font icons;
  • fix: translation issue for reset password message.

Newsmag - Version: 4.9.5

  • new: WordPress 5.5 compatibility – Newsmag Theme is now compatible with the latest WordPress version as it was tested with the RC WordPress 5.5 version;
  • improvement: We've updated the theme with the latest Instagram API;
  • improvement: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to its latest version;
  • fix: YouTube/Vimeo API;
  • fix: Image caption appears in the excerpt;
  • fix: Closing Block with Title shortcode when text content is not added;
  • fix: XSS security issue;
  • fix: Caption doesn’t appear on the modal gallery;
  • fix: Playlist in page megamenu error;
  • fix: Duplicate canonical URL when Yoast plugin is active;
  • fix: CSS fixes.

Newsmag - Version: 4.9.4

  • new: Automatic Theme Update – When a theme update is available, you can install the latest version with a single click, directly from the theme panel. The system downloads the latest version from the tagDiv servers and automatically updates the theme’s files and the native plugins so that you can focus on the content;
  • new: Update Notification System – When an update is available, you’ll see a notification in the WordPress Admin interface (wp-admin);
  • new: 2 Stats shortcodes – Perfect to display Covid-19 Statistics on your website;
  • new: Modal Video Popup with Ads Support – Easily create a great user experience for your users with Newsmag Theme. Highlight your video content with an AD on a modal window. There is no need for the audience to access the article to see the video;
  • new: Sticky Video Player on the articles – Your videos stay on screen, playing when the audience is scrolling down the page;
  • new: Video Lazy Load on mobile for youtube videos;
  • improvement: Featured video supports self hosted video;
  • improvement: WordPress 5.4 compatibility – Newsmag Theme is now compatible with the latest version of WordPress CMS;
  • fix: Closing the website manager on the Firefox browser;
  • fix: Review instead of date on mobile theme issue;

Newsmag - Version: 4.9.3

  • new: Theme Panel auto-backup for the settings - Every time you click the Save button in the Theme Panel Save, the system creates a backup copy for the previous version. With Newsmag Theme now you can turn back time and restore the before-the-change settings;
  • new: Sharing video content with your audience using the Newsmag Theme is easier than ever. You can now dynamically populate the Youtube Video Playlist element with videos from Channels, Username or Playlists;
  • improvement: the YouTube Video Playlist and YouTube Social Counter now require a YouTube API Key to grab the data. Follow this guide to get your key;
  • improvement: Added better support Custom Post Types (CTP) on the content blocks;
  • improvement: We've updated Revolution Slider to the latest version;
  • fix: Pinterest widget;
  • fix: decoding issue on Text with Title shortcode;
  • fix: get_post_datetime() when return false;
  • fix: dropcap issue on Mobile Theme.

Newsmag - Version: 4.9.2

  • new: New Styles and Features on Gutenberg blocks – We've added extended & enhanced support for the Gutenberg blocks;
  • new: Secure Instagram feeds with the access token – Newsmag Theme automatically imports the feeds from Instagram API with an access token;
  • new: 7 WooCommerce shortcodes are now available: New products, Featured Products, Best Selling Products, Most Popular "On-sale" Products, Products by Rating, Products by Category, Product Categories;
  • new: Enhanced UI design for the tagDiv Composer page builder - We've redesigned the whole experience so you can build your website faster and be more efficient;
  • improvement: We've made some adjustments for better support WordPress 5.3.
  • improvement: Option to disable the markup on the article;
  • improvement: Header and Footer settings for Mobile Theme;
  • improvement: We have updated Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • improvement: We have updated WpBakey Page Builder plugin to the latest version;
  • fix: Canonical links on mobile and AMP;
  • fix: AMP on the WooCommerce templates;
  • fix: Translation on the mobile theme;
  • fix: markup error;
  • fix: Various css fixes;

Newsmag - Version: 4.9.1

  • new: New options added for the Mobile Theme plugin. Now, you have additional settings to customize the Grids, the Latest Articles, and the Theme Fonts. This is an important enhancement as you can add more style to the way your website displays on mobile devices;
  • new: We've added the option to Enable/Disable the Mobile Theme for individual posts and pages. With Newsmag Theme you can now control which post or page are shown to your mobile visitors;
  • misc: Improved Child Theme support;
  • misc: The Block Title Tag option was added on the Block settings;
  • misc: Font and color options added for the Social Counter shortcode;
  • misc: We updated the WPBakery Page Builder plugin to the latest version;
  • misc: We updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;
  • fix: vc_column_text and td_block_text_with_title can now have self enclosed shortcodes;
  • fix: Sign-in/join option now appears in the Mobile Menu;
  • fix: General Modal applies properly;
  • fix: The Canonical URL on Pagebuilder with Latest Articles template;
  • fix: The Import/Export theme panel settings;
  • fix: Logo Text;
  • fix: Ajax search loading on theme responsive version when the Mobile Theme is set to load just for AMP.
  • fix: Various CSS fixes.

Newsmag - Version: 4.9

  • This update brings changes for the Envato WordPress new standards. Find all the info about what you need to know and do regarding this update in the dedicated article on our blog.

Newsmag - Version: 4.8

  • new: Introducing Mobile Theme plugin – We are delighted to give you a new, much easier way to create engaging experiences on mobile devices for your visitors.
  • new: Extended AMP Support. The Mobile Theme plugin is designed to integrate seamlessly with the official AMP plugin for WordPress.Together, they are a smart solution to quickly give you the best results and increase your page loading speed on mobile up to five times faster. The tagDiv AMP plugin is now discontinued.
  • new: Added Modified Date Option.
  • misc: We updated the WPBakery plugin to the latest version.
  • fix: Other various CSS fixes.

Newsmag - Version: 4.7

  • new: Font option for text logo and tagline.
  • misc: Compatibility with Gutenberg and WordPress 5.
  • misc: We updated the Visual Composer plugin to the latest version.
  • fix: LazyLoad on slow network connections. Please clear all your caches, including browser cache.
  • fix: Css fixes for flex blocks.

Newsmag - Version: 4.6

  • new: We’re introducing the intuitive Right-Click option in the tagDiv Composer page builder to bring you new features and a natural way to design your website
  • new: Flex block 1 and 2. The new flex block elements enable unique layouts with a lot of flexibility.
  • new: Author Box & Image Box
  • new: Pinterest option on Social Counter
  • new: Fixed count option Social Counter
  • new: Option to choose the H tag format for the Title element- new: fixed count Social Counter
  • new: The list of Used Colors for pickers is now available in tagDiv Composer in the Recent Colors section
  • new: The list of Used Fonts is available in the tagDiv Composer under the Load Font Settings menu
  • new: We updated the Visual Composer to the latest version.
  • misc: Update for tagDiv Newsletter plugin: added MailChimp GDPR checkboxes
  • misc: WPML support
  • fix: Column Text encoding issues
  • fix: Pinterest api
  • fix: Weather block mapped on tagDiv Composer

Newsmag - Version: 4.5

  • new: added support for multiple sticky sidebars. The setting is available when you select a column in the tagDiv Composer page builder
  • new: custom URL option for RSS in tagDiv Social Counter plugin
  • fix: WPML flag in post content
  • fix: if the footer is disabled, from now on, it will be hidden on the AMP theme version too
  • fix: various typos in the Theme Options panel
  • fix: Pinterest block API issues. It also has better error messages
  • fix: the exchange widget now works as expected but it requieres a api key
  • misc: better error messages when tagDiv Composer encounters a problem

Newsmag - Version: 4.4

  • new: we added support for the private policy WordPress page on the login/register modal window.
  • new: setting to disable google fonts in theme panel – fonts – google fonts settings. You can load local font files and use them instead of external fonts.
  • misc: the plugin update system was completely rewritten from scratch. It tries to update the plugin using multiple ways and if it fails, it will show an admin notice with information about what plugin failed and why.
  • misc: all plugins now have a built date on them besides the version.
  • misc: the theme is GDPR compliant now.
  • new: shortcuts to use in the footer text – date, sitelink, privacy_policy and more. The list of shortcuts is available in the theme panel next to the setting.

Newsmag - Version: 4.3

  • new: tagDiv AMP plugin – tagDiv’s solution for implementing Google AMP in WordPress
  • new: tagDiv Newsletter plugin – newsletter form beautifully designed with over 8 styles
  • new: Font settins can now be saved as a preset and applied on all the blocks from tagDiv Composer easly
  • new: Social sharing networks, the theme now supports Linkedin, Tumblr, Email sharing, Telegram, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, VK, LINE and Viber
  • new: Ability to reorder the social icons with drag and drop from the theme panel
  • new: 20 social icons styles for social sharing
  • new: If the icons do not fit on screen the theme will automatically hide them
  • fix: Pinterest board URL
  • fix: Facebook videos support now works again
  • fix: We’ve updated to the latest Instagram API, this should fix all the problems
  • misc: Improved tagDiv Composer selection mask. New colors and better UI, now the controls are outside of the selection mask, this allows better selection for small items.
  • misc: WP-admin performance issue. We optimized the tagDiv Composer to load only what’s needed and where is needed. Wp-admin speed should greatly improve.
  • misc: Huge speed improvemnts in tagDiv Composer editor. We did a full memory consumption audit for tagDiv Composer and we fixed a few memory leaks.
  • misc: We’ve removed unneeded confirmations from tagDiv Composer. For example when the content of the page was not changed and a user wanted to close the Composer.

Newsmag - Version: 4.2

  • misc: Visual Composer plugin updated to the latest version
  • misc: Compatibility with WordPress 4.9
  • fix: Weather forecast

Newsmag - Version: 4.1

  • misc: Visual Composer plugin updated to the latest version
  • misc: Revolution Slider plugin updated to the latest version
  • fix: Weather widget
  • fix: XSS Security issue
  • fix: Background click ad

Newsmag - Version: 4

  • new: Challenging you to be more creative and productive, we’ve added the first page builder ever created for blogs, news and magazine websites. Newsmag 4 brings you tagDiv Composer – a lighter, faster and more efficient way to build your site. Ready to be used right on the frontend, easier than ever, seeing every change instantly.
  • new: Live frontend LESS and CSS editor. This allows you to quickly add CSS or LESS quick to any page of your site
  • new: News Magazine demo
  • new: Clear Voice demo
  • new: Sound Square demo
  • new: Buttons that are available in the format menu

We love Newspaper. The regular updates, code quality and tons of features mean that this is the final WordPress theme we need to use.

Stephan Whelan

Founder at DeeperBlue

The tagDiv Team provides comprehensive technical support and is always customer oriented thus inspiring our friends and us to develop and to give full scope to our creative potential!

Elena Chepikova

Project Manager at HandMade39

I am in love with this team and of course with Newspaper and I am sure that we are gonna live together forever.

Nitesh Manav

CEO, Tomatoheart Media