tagDiv Opt-In Builder

tagDiv Opt-In Builder

Version 1.6
Release date: May 15th, 2023

Release notes:

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.6.1

  • fix: Subscriptions not appearing in Opt-In Builder when Stripe payment is used.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.6

  • new: Plans/subscriptions with credits and credits lockers;
  • new: Checkout payment support for 'waiting_payment' and 'paid_incomplete' subscriptions (pay link from my account > subscriptions);
  • new: Duplicate lockers option;
  • improvement: New translation strings;
  • improvement: Post with credits filter option for post lists shortcode;
  • improvement: tds_payment shortcode(checkout page) refactor;
  • improvement: Back-end plan create/edit modal form - Layout and style improvements;
  • fix:  Admin side subscriptions list - Fixed pagination.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.5.3 - Download

  • improvement: Page Checkout - Billing Countries dropdown;
  • improvement: Moved the publishing limits counters to the main dashboard section;
  • fix: php undefined array key warning;
  • fix: Plans button/price shortcodes with invalid plans issues;
  • fix: Locker metabox doesn't appear on page templates;
  • fix: Issue with the custom page associated with this My Account page.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.5.2 - Download

  • new: Added support for AJAX submission on the leads form.
  • improvement: Added the option to automatically subscribe new users to free plans;
  • fix: Undefined variable: plan_with_trial_period php notice;
  • fix: Subscriptions apply coupon price/discount currency options;
  • fix: CSS fix displaying multiple custom fields on Locker (Firefox);
  • fix: Email notifications unknown characters fix;
  • fix: Checkout confirmation - subscription details no currency symbol/plan name in composer
  • fix: Checkout confirmation > subscription details price with currency/discount
  • fix: Adding email to the plan list issue;

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.5.1 - Download

  • new: Stripe automatic tax support;
  • fix: Create subscriptions(stripe) via `checkout.session.completed` webhook event;
  • fix: tds_subscriptions table paypal columns drop;
  • fix: Other fixes & updates;
  • fix: Fixed some missing translations;
  • fix: My Account - Fixed an issue where the shortcode would not work on the mobile page variant of the page set in the settings;
  • fix: Default locker creation - If a default locker was previously created and then deleted, when creating a new default locker it will inherit the old locker ID;
  • fix: Gutenberg Flick embed block - Fixed alignment issues on the front end;
  • fix Recaptcha on email leads/lockers' dynamical ids using block uid;
  • fix: Execute recaptcha js code only if the Theme Panel option is enabled;
  • fix: Locked content on Firefox reader mode;
  • fix: Added option to enable email settings and fixed from_name/from_email issue.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.5 - Download

  • new: Stripe subscriptions/payments with stripe checkout( cards&ideal/sepa debit payment methods support);
  • new: Now you can choose different subscription intervals (like X days, X months );
  • improvement: Save billing details on checkout;
  • improvement: Login/register shortcode - Implemented JS page switcher;
  • improvement: Added 'display restrictions' options on Menu Login shortcode;
  • improvement: Page Login/Register: Options to redirect the user on login or register;
  • fix: Automatic de-listings - admins are not excluded and fixed an issue with free plans
  • fix: Change tds_plans table collation (Korean language case);
  • fix: My account - Removed account activation limitation;
  • fix: Plans button alignment;
  • fix: Page My Account: Photo upload field style fixes;
  • fix: Translations;

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.4.4 - Download

  • new: Automatic listing/unlisting for paid/unpaid subscription;
  • improvement: Added phone number in Subscription info;
  • fix: Single payment option with a disabled payment option set on Checkout shortcode;
  • fix: Menu login - FIxed an issue with the "Hide text" option
  • fix: Php8 warnings;
  • fix: Captcha on leads.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.4.3 - Download

  • improvement: My Account - prevent profile picture upload for users that have not activated their account;
  • improvement: Menu login - Added the option display the dropdown directly, without the need to trigger it with the toggle;
  • fix: Captcha on Leads shortcode;
  • fix: Page layout with comments;
  • fix: css fixes;

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.4.2 - Download

  • fix: Security Update;
  • fix: TD Subscription - translation
  • fix: full price discount for stripe subscriptions;

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.4.1 - Download

  • new: Added the possibility to limit publishing of posts/cpts directly from the subscription plans (Important! If you use publish post restriction based on pland ID's from Posts Form Submit shortcode and Post List shortcodes, now you need to setup those restrictions directly on each plan.)
  • new: Stripe subscriptions trial days support;
  • improvement: Added class on body if content is locked;
  • fix: Display wrong locker type in admin Locked column;
  • fix: No subscription user - js error;

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.4 - Download

  • new: Stripe recurring payments;
  • new: Google reCaptcha on the leads and email locker;
  • new: Email notifications system;
  • new: Individual user billing details;
  • improvement: Added the option to select a default payment method and to change the labels' texts;
  • fix: Double opt-in on email.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.3.3 - Download

  • fix: Security Update - Removed the Facebook login for security concerns.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.3.2 - Download

  • new: Coupon system
  • new: Page account: added the ability to replace the dashboard page with a custom one;
  • new: 5 Custom pages options for the Menu login shortcode;
  • new: 5 Custom pages options for the Page account shortcode;
  • new: Option to set an Email list on each plan - useful if you want to get all emails in a list of members subscribed to a plan;
  • new: Your profile account can be edited via a custom form page with additional fields;
  • new: Lockers on CPT & Page;
  • new: Leads shortcode has Double Opt-in option;
  • new: Enable/disable TDS lockers for post types option in the theme panel;
  • new: Cancel Subscription option;
  • new: Added the possibility to redirect to a custom URL on the checkout page;
  • new: Option to hide Rows, Inner Rows, Columns, and Inner Columns based on an active subscription or an active subscription of post type author;
  • new: WPML support for subscription Pages;
  • improvement: Stripe payment > billing details full name & email;
  • fix: Currency space;
  • fix: Some translations were missing;
  • fix: Utf-8 collation Opt-in builder;
  • fix: Hide wp_admin bar just for subscribers on WP multisite;
  • fix: Issue if it is a free plan, but the price is set up.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.3.1 - Download

  • new: Opt-In Builder - Menu Login - Added the option to disable the dropdown menu;
  • new: Google ReCaptcha also applies on Subscription Login/Register;
  • fix: Locker on standard blog page;
  • fix: CSS fix for Checkout shortcode.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.3 - Download

  • new: Added Stripe Payment support;
  • fix: Remove unsubscribed email from a membership list - only for subscribers created starting with this version of the plugin
  • fix: Fixed an issue with the Page Account shortcode.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.2.1 - Download

  • new: Added a new shortcode to allow users to unsubscribe from all mailing lists - Leads Unsubscribe Button;
  • new: Email locker support with caching plugins. Option available in Opt-In Builder → Subscriptions → Settings
  • improvement: Display the Unsubscribe button. It becomes available if a user has already subscribed to a list;
  • improvement: Option to show locked posts for admins/editors/authors & contributors;
  • fix: Calendar next/prev icons not displaying properly;
  • fix: Payment redirect;
  • fix: Redirect user with subscriptions on the subscription flow;

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.2 - Download

  • new: Frontend translations support with .po/.mo or directly from Theme Panel → Translations;
  • new: Options to change currency, position, and separators from Opt-In Builder → Subscriptions → Settings;
  • new: Option to edit an active subscription with a new price (Next price). This is very useful if you want to increase/decrease an active subscription price;
  • new: Options in the tagDiv Composer to design and style the Page account shortcode;
  • new: Options in the tagDiv Composer to design and style the Page checkout shortcode;
  • new: Options in the tagDiv Composer to design and style the Page login/register shortcode;
  • new: Display the number of existing subscriptions and assigned lockers on Plans;
  • new: Settings to change date format;
  • fix: wp-admin bar appears on subscribers;
  • fix: Incorrect trial date view.

tagDiv Opt-In Builder - Version: 1.1 - Download

  • new: Subscription functionality for tagDiv Opt-in Builder lockers;
  • new: New subscriptions settings: dashboard, account, payments, plans, pages, subscriptions;
  • new: 8 new shortcodes for tagDiv Opt-in Builder ready to use with tagDiv Composer:
  • Menu Login
  • Checkout
  • Plans button
  • Plans price
  • Plans text switcher
  • Plans switcher
  • My account
  • Login/Register
  • new: 2 new shortcodes for tagDiv Opt-in Builder ready to use in Gutenberg editor:
  • tagDiv Section Locker;
  • tagDiv Partial Locker;
  • new: Bank and PayPal payment options:
  • new: Free and annually/monthly plans, with or without Trial:
  • new: Link tracker;

It's great! We were looking for something super-customizable, solid, magazine-like theme, and Newspaper theme had all the features we needed.

Alex Maltsev


I found the theme to be modern, easy to use and highly customisable.

Manoj Khatri

Founder at Complete Wellbeing

The most professional template with excellent support and great features. I appreciate the fast loading, clean design, and responsiveness. Thank you for that!

James McNally

Owner at Livinator