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Newspaper Theme Documentation

Getting Started

Fast start your WordPress website with the Newspaper Theme! All the things you need to know for the First Steps are here.


Access tutorials that show you how to save time in development, so you can use it to create more of your awesome Content.

Cloud Library

Explore useful tutorials, guides & recommendations on creating stunning Articles, Layouts, Pages, and Templates for your visitors.

tagDiv Composer

Build everything with drag and drop, right on the frontend. Check back for more Step-by-Step Guides and hot Best Practices.

Theme Plugins

Discover valuable insights on how to set up, use and optimize all our plugins to make your website a successful experience.

Latest articles:

How To Create a Newsletter Section With tagDiv Newsletter Plugin

Introduction If you have a WordPress website and use the Newspaper theme, adding an email subscription form is easy. Although the setup process may initially seem confusing, we've...