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Newspaper Theme Elements for Your eCommerce Website

With over 5 million active installations, WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin and has always been compatible with the Newspaper template. For example, some websites sell a few items and keep a blog to highlight their products and share news about them. Other websites are entire tech portals that sell gadgets. Starting with Newspaper version 11, our news theme has become more WooCommerce friendly due to the new. We’ve added new, useful shortcodes and features for WooCommerce ready for you to enjoy. 

What are WooCommerce shortcodes?

WooCommerce shortcodes are pieces of code that you can easily insert into your posts or pages that bring eCommerce functionality. There are a few mandatory tools that must be always included in your site: shop, cart, related products, an easy-to-use filtering system, and so on.  

Create the Picture Perfect Layout for your Front Page Shop

Once you install WooCommerce on your site, you’ll notice that it comes with some pre-built shortcodes with the possibility to purchase more Woo extensions and enlarge the plugin’s capabilities. However, starting with the Newspaper theme 11 update, we’ve added a new premium plugin called tagDiv Shop which is mandatory to run Shop Cloud Templates and extensive features compatible with the WooCommerce plugin. Furthermore, with the tagDiv Shop activated, you can install one of the Prebuilt eShop Websites our design team has carefully built. If you need help to install a prebuilt website design, you can follow along with our video tutorial.

tagDiv Shop Brings WooCommerce functionality

We’ve crafted a dedicated plugin that brings you all the eCommerce functionality you would possibly need to run an online store. 

Let’s tackle the tagDiv Shop elements

You’ll find the Woo elements divided into three major sections in the tagDiv Composer page builder:

  1. WooCommerce shortcodes that are specific to the Woo Template you are currently editing.
  2. WooCommerce common shortcodes that can be used interchangeably on any Woo Template.
  3. Block shortcodes – the Woo Product Block. This element can also be used on homepage, product, and category pages and you can easily add filters on it.
Integrate your Products flawlessly with the tagDiv Shop

WooCommerce shortcodes

  • Woo Product Image – this element brings you images from the products tab located in your WordPress dashboard. You can display images as a gallery and decide to display them as a carousel, add sale tags, and style navigation icons, slider, add borders, and so on.
  • Woo Product Background Image – grabs a nicely background image of the selected item and displays it as a wide picture you can highly customize with general, style, and CSS settings. 
  • Woo Product Price – this element helps you customize the item’s price. You can include additional text, establish different colors for the old/new prices, change fonts, and more.
  • Woo Product Attributes – the shortcode allows you to display specific aspects of your items, such as color, size, brand, gender, and so on.  
  • Woo Product Description – brings the item’s information and allows you to style the product description according to your preferences in terms of typography. 
  • Woo Product Categories – allows you to showcase all the different categories the product is a part of, so that viewers can click on them and explore different other items available for sale.
  • Woo Product Tags – tags are a great way to describe your product by using relevant keywords. This element brings the associated tags with the selected product on the page. 
  • Woo Product Tabs – this shortcode allows you to display a product’s description, additional information, as well as its reviews in the same block, but divided into tabs. 
  • Woo Product SKU – The SKU refers to the Stock Keeping Unit which is an individual identification ID that might help you with your product inventory. 
  • Woo Add to Cart – this element changes based on the type of product you’re dealing with: whether it’s a single product or a varied one. It grabs the data and displays it accordingly so that customers can choose how much they want to buy.
  • Woo Product Reviews – when you add this shortcode into your product page, you can preview the item’s reviews and style them accordingly to the page’s and website’s design so it blends it seamlessly. 
  • Woo Product Rating – this element allows you to showcase your clients’ satisfaction with the product’s quality by using a system star-rating. You can establish the stars’ size, space, colors, add review links, and more.
  • Woo Product Notices – use this to customize the notices that appear whenever someone adds a product or a variety of products in their cart by displaying one of the three notice messages: error, success, or a general alert. You can add buttons, background colors, borders, icons, and so on. 
Create Archive Pages for your Products

WooCommerce Common Shortcodes

  • Woo Page Title – working exactly like its counter the normal page title, the woo page title can only be utilized on woo templates. You can add a title tag, additional text, change colors and fonts and make additional CSS settings.
  • Woo Breadcrumbs – allow your visitors access to the historical links adequate to the page they are visiting. With this element, they can go back to the parent category, main category, or even homepage so they can keep exploring your website and products.
  • Woo Custom Add to Cart – this element is perfect for any landing page/page you are working on as you can create a custom cart button for the desired product by adding its ID.  
  • Woo Loop – this displays all of your products available throughout your entire website. . You can add pagination or enable the infinite loading for the selected products.
  • Woo Loop Sorting Options – this element can be used only alongside a Woo Loop block as it affects the elements being displayed through it based on popularity, latest items, average rating, or pricing. 
  • Woo Attribute Filter – just like with the “Woo Loop Sorting Options” element, this also directly applies and affects the Woo Loop block. It gathers all of your global attributes in one place and lets you narrow down the search for the perfect item.
  • Woo Selected Filters – in combination with the “Woo Attribute Filter” and its directly affected block: the “Woo Loop”, this element can erase/delete/uncheck any of the filters that have been applied to your current search.

Woo Product Block

  • A vital element for any display of products. It can be used anywhere on your website, and pulls a variety of products. You can sort or filter them, and if you’re using a Woo Product Block on a Woo Product Template, you can also have them pull related or upsells products. 


The way you structure your product pages and categories and organize your whole eCommerce website builds a trustworthy and seamless user experience for your visitors. The product lists and multiple filtering possibilities are usability aspects that can help you drive sales and keep people engaged with your website. Newspaper theme has all the necessary elements and tools, all bundled within the tagDiv Shop plugin to help create perfectly functional WooCommerce websites, with stunning visuals. 


Alina G.
Alina G.
After a long journey through fine arts, I finally found the place that challenges me every day. With a strategic approach, I’m creating valuable and relevant content about our products and the news industry. My innate conversational skills are my strongest point.

Do you need any help with the Newspaper or Newsmag WordPress Themes? Please send us all the necessary details via email or create a new topic on our online forum. We're always happy to assist you.

  1. Hi,
    Is it possible to keep my newspaper blog & just have an eshop on a specific folder for example in oder to keep my design & the structure of the website ? If yes how to do that ?
    Thanks in advance,

  2. Can I use woocommerce and tagdiv shop to sell an annual, semi-annual and quarterly subscription to a newspaper in pdf format? Today, the customer buys a subscription to the newspaper for six months, and every week can read new pdf files for 26 weeks.

    • Hi Maciej,

      Thank you for reaching out. Yes, this can be achieved. Please address this inquiry to our support team, as the blog area is not assigned to the Customer Support Department. You can send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com. Thank you!

    • Hi,

      Thank you for reaching out to us. One recommendation would be to test out the theme with a multi-vendor plugin. If you need any help, please let us know via forum or by email, as the Blog area is not associated to the Customer Support Department. We’re always ready to assist you! Thank you for understanding.

  3. Really very happy to say, your post is very interesting to read.
    I never stop myself to say anything about it. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up!

  4. Can i use Newspaper theme for multipe domain ?
    i want use normal template for main domian and build online shop for sub domain.
    Thanks, that awesome.

    • Hi Adam,

      Sure, you can use it on a subdomain of the same website. We are glad that you are decided to use the Newspaper Theme yo build a shop along your website. Have a lovely day!

  5. The Newspaper WordPress theme is a top-selling WordPress theme in market, a piece of highly viral news, magazine, blog WordPress theme developed by an elite author TagDiv, our many websites are running with Newspaper theme its really amazing theme. We have also write one details review article about Newspaper theme.

  6. What happen Newspaper theme In Footer mobile version now showing correctly and In that Footer section right side Have a gap how to solve that issues in Newspaper theme wloud you please Tell me

    • Hi Prathap,

      Thank you for reaching out. Can you please send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com and include all the details about your inquiry (wp login, screenshots)? We would love to assist you. Unfortunately, the Blog area is not assigned to the Customer Support Department. Thank you for understanding!

  7. This is fantastic! The previous templates for woocommerce were lacking and required 3rd party plugins as remedies, however, this update brings us one step closer to no longer requiring these plugins and creating a seamless experience between the blog and shop pages.

    I look forward to trying the new templates and future updates.

    Thank you so much!

  8. Will you please reveal the compatibility of your so called tagdiv composer’s ability to edit shop and products pages. Please note that shortcodes are not the solution otherwise I would not have baught this theme. I want to know whether your tagdiv composer has the same ability like elementor to customize woocommerce.
    Thank you

    • Hi,

      Thank you for reaching out to us. The Newspaper WordPress theme allows you to edit Shop and Product template pages using the frontend tagDiv Composer page builder. The eCommerce elements can be found in the tagDiv Composer list and can be highly customized live. The Woo templates can be found in the tagDiv Cloud Library and are entirely editable. Furthermore, you can import a shop demo and highly customize its layout and content. As the Blog area is not assigned to the Customer Support Department, please send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com or open a new topic in the forum.tagdiv.com if you need any technical help. We’re looking forward to helping you. Thank you for understanding! Have a lovely day :0


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