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Alex I.

61 articles written
In my role as an artist and designer, my objective is to create brilliance on a daily basis. During my off-hours, I enthusiastically pursue growth, whether it's through photography, drawing, rendering, or any other captivating endeavor that piques my interest.
BlogtagDiv Composer

Blending Modes 101: Discover the new feature in Newspaper Theme

With the arrival of Newspaper 10, so comes the arrival of a new feature straight into the Flex Block’s Settings panel. Get the magic...
Alex I.
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Featured Image for Halloween Landing Page Newspaper Theme
BlogDesign Trends

Get a spooky landing page this Halloween with Newspaper Theme

With a single focused purpose, a landing page is what your visitors land on when they click an ad, offer, or call to action...
Alex I.
Featured Image for Logos and Branding

Logos and Branding Done Right with Newspaper Theme

How do you impact the public’s opinion of your brand? With a well-designed logo that can quickly convey the core message of the website....
Alex I.
Featured Image for Design Trends Living Coral
BlogDesign Trends

Design Trends: Living Coral in Web Design with Newspaper Theme

What makes Living Coral Pantone’s Color of the Year? A vibrant hue situated between orange and pink, the color is now present in both...
Alex I.
Featured Image for Digital Brutalism
BlogDesign Trends

Digital Brutalism 101: Why You Should Know About It

When all rules get broken, you get Digital Brutalism. With an asymmetrical layout, no visual hierarchy, and a fight for attention between the elements...
Alex I.
Featured Image for Color Theory
BlogDesign Trends

Introduction into Color Theory with Newspaper Theme

How to choose the colors for a website when you start the design process? Take into account their vibrancy, contrast, and the harmony between...
Alex I.
Featured Image for Groovy Gradients in Web Design
BlogDesign Trends

Design Trends: Groovy Gradients with Newspaper Theme

Gradients in web design have been around for ages. However, it is only recently that they got popularised again through huge brands such as...
Alex I.
Featured Image for Minimalism in Web Design with Newspaper Theme
BlogDesign Trends

Design Trends: Minimalist Web Design with Newspaper Theme

Where do you go when everything is cluttered? You start reducing. Simplify the way you present messages to the audience. How do you want...
Alex I.
Featured Image Newspaper Theme Design Trends Geometric Web Design
BlogDesign Trends

Design Trends: Geometric Web Design with Newspaper Theme

Conveying a message through the use of shapes may be exactly what you need when you’re designing a website’s homepage. What’s the core of...
Alex I.
Featured Image for tagDiv Image Box Title over Image Image Info Box
BlogtagDiv Composer

Differences between tagDiv Image Box, Image Info Box, and Title over Image

Do you need to showcase multiple images in a gallery-like display? There are quite a few options to get the intended result. Scroll through...
Alex I.