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Use the New Undo and Redo Buttons in Newspaper Theme

Throughout the years, the Newspaper theme has delivered many updates and new features. From getting a sticky sidebar, adding social network buttons, to customizing your site with templates and everything in between. So, to keep up with the amount of work, we present to you a new way of easing your workload: the Undo and Redo buttons.

The ability to undo and redo an action is an essential feature on most software. Who can even imagine Adobe Photoshop without this handy feature? Or not having this available to you in Microsoft Word? Web design experiments on Newspaper Theme are easy with this tool.


Did you like how something looked just before you adjusted it? No need to worry anymore: hit the counter-clockwise arrow, and your change vanishes. Whoosh! Just like that. Take control of your pageโ€™s layout fluidly.

More of a keyboard type of person? Hit  Ctrl + Z just like you would in any application. Errors can now be left behind and tagged as bygones. However, as fast as that is, you can always take it back with the Redo button. You want that overlay on your featured image, but youโ€™ve just undone the change? No worries, press the button right next to Undo and there you have it, itโ€™s back again!

For Keyboard users, to redo a past action just hold Ctrl + Shift + Z. Apple users, your keyboard shortcuts are different: Command + Z for your Undo and Command + Shift + Z for the Redo.

How can the Undo and Redo help you?

There are plenty of uses for this highly valuable addition to any software. But, letโ€™s talk business, here are some suggestions on how to better use an undo or redo action:

  • Youโ€™re building a new page for your site or creating a template from scratch using the Cloud Library elements. You added a new block to your page, but the result is not what you needed? Just hit the Undo button and itโ€™s now gone.
  • Letโ€™s say youโ€™ve made some customizations to the page title like changing the size and the font family to match the rest of your website, and added a gradient. At the end of the process, you realize that you donโ€™t like the result. You can go back to the way it was before with Undo.
  • Youโ€™re now using the Undo button more often. In fact, maybe youโ€™ve used it a bit too often. Well, you can redo your past actions and bring back the elements you liked before youโ€™ve undone them.

Test and experiment with different designs for your website while using this feature to see how useful it could be when youโ€™re in a pinch!

Final Thoughts

Now, itโ€™s perfectly all right to make design ”mistakes” and go back in time to how your site used to look a couple of adjustments ago. You can return with just the click of a button. Use it as much as you want to and make everything easier while saving time. If you need more information, check out our documentation here.

Tell us about any new creative ways of using this feature in your website building process in the comment box below! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Alex I.
Alex I.
In my role as an artist and designer, my objective is to create brilliance on a daily basis. During my off-hours, I enthusiastically pursue growth, whether it's through photography, drawing, rendering, or any other captivating endeavor that piques my interest.

Do you need any help with the Newspaper or Newsmag WordPress Themes? Please send us all the necessary details via email or create a new topic on our online forum. We're always happy to assist you.


  1. Undo button not enabled in my edit with tagdiv composer.
    ctrl+z doesn’t work either
    I’m using chrome, do you know why it doesn’t work?

    • Hi,

      That feature is optional now, starting from a recent theme update. If you want to enable the composer saving history (which allows the undo function) please check in the website manager and activate it https://prnt.sc/JCI02YLBhzwY Once it is activated, the option will be available.

      Thank you!


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