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A Guide of the Most Popular UX Design Laws

Design is a technological process of creativity. The provenience of the user experience design is still a notorious subject. Psychologists, engineers, professors, philosophes, and...
Featured Image for Minimalism in Web Design with Newspaper Theme

Design Trends: Minimalist Web Design with Newspaper Theme

Where do you go when everything is cluttered? You start reducing. Simplify the way you present messages to the audience. How do you want...
User Experience and User Interface

Differences between User Experience and User Interface

Wondering what in the world is UX or UI design? When we talk about a WordPress website, we automatically take both UX and UI...
tagDiv themes Envato WordPress Requirements Compliant

tagDiv Awarded with Envato WP Requirements Compliant Badge

tagDiv was awarded by Envato with WP Requirements Compliant Badge. We want to thank you, our customers from our hearts. You’ve supported us in...
Featured Image Newspaper Theme Design Trends Geometric Web Design

Design Trends: Geometric Web Design with Newspaper Theme

Conveying a message through the use of shapes may be exactly what you need when you’re designing a website’s homepage. What’s the core of...
Featured Image for tagDiv Image Box Title over Image Image Info Box

Differences between tagDiv Image Box, Image Info Box, and Title over Image

Do you need to showcase multiple images in a gallery-like display? There are quite a few options to get the intended result. Scroll through...
A Guide to Avoiding Web Design Mistakes

A Guide to Avoiding Web Design Mistakes

I’ll start today’s article with a quote by the designer Rob Curedale, I so much enjoy. He says that “design is creativity with strategy,”...

Design Trends: Written in Bold Fonts to Inspire Your Newspaper Website

Created by innovative minds, typography is a two-dimensional art, guided by readability rules to make something catch the eye. The graphic designer and author...
How to optimize AMP with Newsmag Theme

Blazing-fast Websites: How to Optimize AMP with Newsmag Theme

Is your website ready to conquer the internet? For the first time, you can use the Mobile Theme with the Official AMP plugin to...
Newsmag Theme: Introducing Mobile theme

Introducing Mobile Theme: How to Get Your Website Mobile Ready with Newsmag Theme

The Newsmag Theme v. 4.8 brings you a new tool to help you make your website a great experience on small screen devices. The...

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Take the Tour to Explore the New Website Header Manager

Headers are the first part of your website seen by a visitor. It’s vital...

Google Analytics Guide 101: How to Track the Traffic on WordPress Websites

Did you just start your blog with Newspaper Theme? Great! In this article, we...

Typography Guide 101 : The Basics, Tips, Ideas, And Inspiration

Typography is the art of arranging type (from fonts to typefaces) to make written...