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Theme Support


Newspaper theme support: Newspaper main image

If you encounter issues while using our products and you need assistance, please contact the Newspaper Theme Support Centre. Our primary support location is the forum.

How to receive support

  • Please register on the forum. For this, you need the Item Purchase Code.
  • Once registered login and navigate to the section dedicated to the theme you bought (ex. https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/).
  • Create a new post.
  • Describe the issue and if necessary include a link or some images which may help us identify the cause.

Note: Please do not post personal information on the forum (ex. server username and password), the forum is a public location meaning the other users can see what you post. We delete any personal information to protect your privacy as soon as we see it.

  • In the Newspaper Theme Support Center, we offer on-site assistance and debugging ONLY via our private email address, where you can safely and securely send us the login credentials.
  • Our Privacy Policy protects the login credentials given to us. We do not save them, and we only use them only for fixing, debugging or solving the problem you report to us.
  • After you receive on-site assistance, we recommend you to take the time and change your login credentials.

Note: The official support forum language is English.

Before contacting the Newspaper Theme Support, it’s best practice to check if:

  • The issue is not covered in the documentation.
  • You have the latest version of the theme and theme recommended plugins.
  • Disable 3rd party plugins. A plugin conflict causes most issues.

Support includes:

  • Guidance on Theme features and settings
  • Fixing reported bugs/issues
  • Theme related questions or issues

The following issues are not covered by support:

  • Server configuration and complex server-side issues
  • Customization and installation service
  • WordPress general support/how to’s. For this, you can search the wordpress.org forums or check the web for tutorials
  • Support for third party software and plug-ins or other issues that are not related to our product

When posting an issue:

  • Please provide as much information as possible.
  • Post your site URL or if necessary some images which may help us identify the problem. Additional information may be requested later by our staff. The solution comes faster if we receive most details from the start.
  • If you made modifications on the theme code, please mention them and provide a full description.

We take all messages in order by date, from the old ones to the newest and we try our best to provide the best solutions.

New to WordPress:

If you’re new to WordPress, we advise you to take some WordPress courses before asking for support on our forum.

Support schedule:

Monday – Friday <<>> 8:00 AM – 17:00 PM GMT +2

Issues while registering on the forum:

If you encounter an issue while trying to register on the support forum, please send an email at contact@tagdiv.com

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Bogdan B.
Bogdan B.
Passionate for gaming, mountain biking, snowboarding and travelling. I face every task as a new challenge to bring my skills to the next level.

Do you need any help with the Newspaper or Newsmag WordPress Themes? Please send us all the necessary details via email or create a new topic on our online forum. We're always happy to assist you.


  1. Hi, I am using News Paper theme on my website hindiwebbook, Its look wonderful and amazing, lightweight and fast. But it has one issue, When we published a new article it now show on homepage and take 12 hours to show on homepage. How I rectify this issue.

    • Hi,

      I suggest checking the configuration of the cache you are using for the website. That sounds like a caching issue most likely. Please check if the cache is or has to be set to be cleared when new content is published on the website. Normally that should be active by default in any caching plugin or hosting provided cache, but maybe it is not. It could be needed to clear the cache manually after publishing new content perhaps, but it depends on the caching you are using. I see you are using 10web cache, please check the documentation for this cache. Or if you are using multiple caches, check those as well.

      Thank you!

  2. I use newspaper theme with latest update on two of my websites. But now I see logo image and some of featured images are not view properly. How can I fix this issue?

    • Hi,

      That depends on what the problem is exactly, there can be all kinds of things affecting the images. If you want us to take a look, please either create a new topic in the theme support forum and provide a link to your website and details about the problem, or send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com Let us know, and we will try to find the cause of the problem. We always try to help our users.

      Thank you!

    • Hi,

      We provide support via the dedicated support forum or by email. But if you don’t have a license key, or at least some proof that you purchased the theme, then it will be difficult for us to provide support unfortunately. I do suggest to send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com and provide a link to the website and admin login, so we can check if the theme is activated and if we can help with the respective issue.

      Thank you!

  3. Hello

    i have a problem with the plugin since is not working in my home. I get the error Error at zones: 6(models) : 0(dom). The model does not match the content Current state has involved an issue.
    what can i do? thanks

    • Hi,

      For support related issues please contact us via the support forum or by email. I see you mention having issues with the composer, in this case I suggest sending us an email at contact@tagdiv.com and there please provide a link to the website and admin login, so we can take a closer look. Let us know and we will check as soon as possible.

      Thank you!

  4. Hi,

    I really impressed by your newspaper theme, and I also want that theme to work for my blog website. I have a blog with almost fifty post already, so can I install newspaper theme in my running blog with full of content ?

    • Thank you for your interest. Sure, you can install Newspaper on any kind of website, even on a website with published content. We recommend you to backup your website before any theme migration. Also, please make sure to test the theme on a local install of your website, before moving it to live. If you have other pre-sale questions about the Newspaper theme, please let us know by email at contact@tagdiv.com. Thank you! Have a lovely day 🙂

  5. I have a small question. I found that when I open a post, sliding to the bottom of the page will automatically load the next post. Is this the default and cannot be changed? I use the newspaper10 theme. Where can I change it?Thank you.

  6. Hello
    I bought a template Newspaper a while ago, and now I wante to use it, frankly everything in it is excellent, but the problem is that it does not support the Arabic language RTL
    I want to know whether there is any solution to this problem, and if not, I want to know if you have any other template that supports the Arabic language RTL

    • Hello,

      Thank you for your interest in our theme. Unfortunately, our Newspaper theme has not been developed to support the RTL version. Also, please note that it is not an easy task to rewrite all the theme’s functionality including the core page builder and required plugins to make it RTL; this means that the theme might be affected and we cannot provide support for this. I’m sorry! If you change your mind and want to build a website for the left to right language, please send us your pre-sale questions at contact@tagdiv.com, and we would be happy to assist you.

      Thank you for understanding!
      All the best!

  7. I’m extremely unsatisfied from the support of tagdiv.no chat option is available. when i upload my logo in the theme panel it’s successful but when i refresh my website there is no logo and when i open my website in mobile phone it’s not open just show the article in row or nothing i can’t see my website proper please check and help me thank you i am waiting

    • Hi,

      Thanks for using our theme and also, I feel sorry if you are facing some problems with it! Unfortunately, this account is not assigned to our support forum and that’s why, if you need more technical assistance, you have to open a new support ticket at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ or send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com where you need to provide more details about your problem and we are ready to help you. As a hint, you can check the video guide from here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXQQygkCCJo Might be useful for you to change the logo.

      I look forward to helping you!
      All the best!

  8. Hi,

    I edited the name of category on homepage from Fashion to Esports yet its still showing Fashion which I really don’t want on my website as it is related to tech. How can I edit it. Please help

    Shubham Singh

    • Hi,

      If you want to change the name of a category you will need to do it from the root, like this -> http://prntscr.com/uav53m Unfortunately, this account is not assigned to our support forum and that’s why, if you need more technical assistance, you have to open a new support ticket at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ where you need to provide more details about your problem and we are ready to help you.

      All the best!

  9. The “back to top” anchor link is working fine in desktop version, but it does not shows in the mobile version of the website. What’s wrong ? how can i sort it out.

    • Hi,

      Please note that function was hidden on the mobile because on those devices you should scroll up or down, right? As a hint you can try using the code below:


      If you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and we are ready to help you.
      All the best!

  10. Hi Is there any option to make a design like this.
    I want categories on left hand side( in left sidebar) when we click on any category then all post will show in center related to that category.

    Thanks in advance

  11. Hiii ,
    I am having issue with my newspaper theme. I have installed demo theme but the articles under the post are not opening. When i click on any post it just refreshers the post.

    • Hi,

      Please make sure that you have correctly installed the theme and demos according to our guide. Remove all of the untested plugins, clear all the caches, purge CDN files and check the results. Unfortunately, this account is not assigned to our support forum and that’s why, if you need more technical assistance, you have to open a new support ticket at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ where you need to provide more details about your problem and we are ready to help you.

      All the best!

    • Hi,

      Unfortunately, this account is not assigned to our support forum and that’s why, if you need more technical assistance, you have to open a new support ticket at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ where you need to provide more details about your problem and we are ready to help you.

      All the best!

  12. I’ve built websites using wpbakery. I’m totally lost. I’m trying to create a blog. I’ve used a temple for a single post from the cloud template selection. I can input some text and images … and when i preview … it looks nothing like the cloud template.

    • all the tutorials show .. usig tagdiv to change the structure of the page. I’m having problems using the set pages to achieve the structure that’s there !

      • Hi,

        Unfortunately, this blog account is not assigned to our support forum. Further, if you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum and we are ready to help you.

        All the best!

    • Hi,

      Thank you for using our theme! Please note that if you have decided to use the WP Bakery plugin, our page builder will not working well because some conflicts might appear. My suggestion is to disable the WP Bakery plugin and use the TD Composer with Cloud Template Library if you want to achieve better theme results. If you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and we are ready to help you.

      All the best!

  13. Hey , I have found your theme in themeforest . Before buying , I was checking the demo named newspaper pro . When I open any post , it shows others post at the end of the post . Please tell me if this issues is fixed . Then I will buy your theme . I have provide screen shot of the problems . Please tell us , if it was fixed or not.

  14. Hello,

    The latest Newspaper theme does not work with Cache, when I install any tag plugin, it renders mobile view on desktop, and it is very slow. what could be the issue?

  15. Dear,
    I am from Bangladesh. I wanted to buy this Newspaper theme. Now i have a question is this theme supports the Bengali language?

    • Hello,

      Thank you for your interest in our theme! Our theme uses the Google Fonts and also if that language is supported by these Fonts, you can try using it. We have had clients with this language who have been pleased with the theme.

      Good luck!
      Best regards!

  16. hi admin, I want to ask you.
    I have created slider using smart slider 3. But I don’t know how to add the slider to the page.
    I have try use tagdiv composer, but there is no smart slider in page element.
    Can you guide me how to add my slider to the page?
    Thank you.
    Sorry for my bad english

  17. Hi,
    I am very disappointed with the theme because when I want to show something only on mobile, the site hangs and no longer works. Not all the elements cause me that, however the ones I want to use cause me this problem.
    I am very disappointed because I have been recommended this theme a lot but now I see that I spent $ 50 for nothing because I plan to buy another theme (not to mention the immense time lost).
    Thank TagDiv

    • Hello Ruben,

      I’m sorry that you feel this way. I understand that you are upset, and I would like to know more about your situation. Can you please send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com and send us more details? Provide there your item purchase code so we can check the license status. Please note that our Customer Support Hours are from Monday to Friday, between 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM GMT+2. If you have already sent us a support request but at a different time, please wait for our team’s answer.

      Thank you for understanding!
      Best regards!

  18. I am using an official amp plugin with newspaper mobile theme …now i want to setuo auto adds for amp .. but there is no option to paste the script in-between the tags of my amp site… is it ok to paste this code .. in original theme panel … I mean in main theme header …

  19. Hi team, I am a new user of this theme and I learned a lot to customize the website through this theme. Now I have a query. I want to create a page having a number of rows containg a list of 50 items. Each item has a link of another page. Now plz suggest me atleast 2 ways to create solve this problems. Thanks

    • Hi,

      Unfortunately, the blog account is not assigned to our support team and that’s why, if you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ where you need to provide more details about what exactly you want to achieve in order to provide a more accurate response.

      Thank you!

  20. Sorry,

    But that not my question.

    I want to know that, I have one blog with almost hundred post already.

    So now I want to change my theme with your newspaper theme. So can I newly install your newspaper theme in my blog with your default demo layout.

    Your demo layout is full of content and when I install your demo all of your demo post is published from my blog. So is it any way to install newspaper in a running blog with almost hundred post already.

  21. Hi,

    I really impressed by your newspaper theme, and I also want that theme to work for my blog. I have a blog with almost hundred post already, so can I install newspaper theme in my running blog with full of content ?

  22. after updating to new newspaper theme 10 … unable to edit posts or pages.. problem is with new td composer … showing a blank screen whenever try to edit a post

  23. Hi Team, we are experiencing issues activating one of our license keys for the Newspaper theme and would really appreciate some support with this issue. Is there anyway way of communicating in live chat or through a direct message so we can share the keys etc?



  24. Hello….
    I am using this template https://demo.tagdiv.com/newspaper/ as my home page.

    Here in the different blocks such as in “LIFESTYLE NEWS” or “TECH AND GADGETS” the categories are shown of their respective only.
    I mean LIFESTYLE block shows categories of Lifestyle only.

    However, in my template I am not able to do this. All categories are shown in every block. I have already tried several thing.
    Please help me.

    • Hi!

      Thank you for reaching to us. We are sorry that you are facing this issue. Unfortunately, our blog is not assigned to the support team, so they can’t help you here. Please open a new topic on forum.tagdiv.com and provide all the details. Our support team is ready to assist you ASAP.
      Our working hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00AM – 05:00PM GMT+2

      Thank you for understanding!

  25. Hi guys,
    I have the Newspaper 9.7.2 theme .
    I was told the theme support RTL . unfortunately i do not see it..
    What should I do to fix it ?

    • Hi,

      Unfortunately, the theme does not support RTL. Sorry for the inconvenience, this would be the better solution, to request a refund and pick a theme with RTL support out of the box. It would be quite difficult to modify this theme for RTL. You can request a refund here – https://themeforest.net/refund_requests/new and we will approve it as soon as possible.

      Thank you!

  26. Hey guys, your theme is great we are using it for more than 2 years. We need something interesting, is there a way to manipulate post view by default? Where is the function which actually count post views ? Thanks in advance!

  27. Its possible to pay for your consultant optimize my theme/server performance? My mobile PageSpeed Score is 22 and i dont know how to improve.

    • Hi,

      Please note that the speed of your website depends on how well your site is optimized. First of all, you will need to check the image size and try to optimize them if you want to bring good theme results. Also, note that we have a speed optimization tutorial but this is addressed only to advanced users. So, if you follow the steps which are presented in this tutorial here -> https://tagdiv.com/how-to-increase-page-loading-speed/
      Unfortunately, the blog is not assigned to the support team. Further, if you have any other question regarding our theme, please open a new topic on forum.tagdiv.com / http://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and provide all the details. Our expert team is ready to assist you ASAP.

      Thank you!

      Thank you!
      Best regards!

  28. I’m having an issue with website logo, is there a way to customize footer logo to make it white version because it takes the same one in the header section and since the footer background is black the logo is not very clear.

    • Hi,

      Please note that the logo is a simple PNG image which is black. On the footer section, you will have a black logo over a black background and that’s why you do not see it. You will need to edit the logo and create another one with having a white color.

      Thank you!

  29. Hello,

    I am having trouble with a couple things.
    First – I am having trouble removing social media icons from the mobile theme. I currently only need the twitter icon, nothing else, except other social media icons like vimeo and facebook remaining appearing along with twitter. From what I’ve gathered on my end is the only way to remove the unwanted social media icons is to remove all of them, by deactivating the mobile theme plugin. Now, I need the mobile theme plugin in order for viewers to access other pages and tabs on my mobile version and it’s also problematic that those icons remain there for no reason.
    Second- I am using the Newspaper Black Version demo which displays a black background for all pages except for the blog screen or homepage screen -those pages appear as white instead of black- but ALSO only on the mobile theme. The tablet and desktop version are free from mentioned errors.
    My website needs to look consistent across the board, so I hope you can help resolve this problem I am having.

    Thank you.

  30. Good morning.
    I am writing to tell you about the site we have been managing for 5 years with your wonderful template.
    Popolis is an Italian territorial information portal that deals with a large area of Northern Italy. We hope to become part of your site review. Thanks, good day and sorry for the inconvenience.


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