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Newspaper Theme 10: Standard Pack or tagDiv Cloud Templates?

Newspaper theme 10 brings you two wonderful ways to build your WordPress website. For the first time in WordPress, you have the freedom to choose how much code the theme is loading and optimize your websiteโ€™s performance straight from the beginning.

Newspaper theme 10 update introduces a major change in how the theme works and allows you to speed up your website. For this, weโ€™ve added a premium legacy plugin called Standard Pack. It brings you all the previous functionality of the Newspaper Theme. When you deactivate it, your website gains page loading speed. Scroll down to learn how to smoothly upgrade from a previous version to Newspaper 10 and build a fast website. Please read this, donโ€™t scan.

Say Hello to Newspaper 10Letโ€™s think of it this way: When you use the Standard Pack, your theme is automatically using the easy-to-use, default settings.

What is the Standard Pack plugin?  

Standard Pack is a premium plugin available to you for free. The new Standard Pack Plugin has two functions: it brings all the functionality you love in the previous versions. It also allows you to separate things when you want to build everything customized and go for websiteโ€™ performance.

In the previous theme versions, the HTML and CSS code for all these templates were loaded on each page-load of your website, affecting your websiteโ€™s performance. The headers, shortcodes, blocks, or any other pre-designed elements are all built inside your theme. You just click on the component to select it, made small customizations like choosing colors, and itโ€™s ready to be used. It saves you from diving in CSS and building them yourself. Newspaper Theme with the Standard Pack activated is the theme that you enjoyed before the update.

Anyone can use the new tagDiv Composer page builder

Who should use the Standard Pack?

If you need to create a website and you have no experience with web design, web development, or WordPress themes, then the Standard Pack plugin is definitely the right choice for you. It allows you to use elements created by our designers and build your website in a few hours without any help.

Even if you have experience with WordPress, there may be a moment when you have to create a whole website in the next hour, then using Newspaper Theme with Standard Pack is also the right choice.

If you have experience with WordPress and Newspaper Theme and plan to create a blazing fast website, then the Standard Pack plugin is not the best choice. Youโ€™ll achieve your goals easier using the Newspaper Theme with tgaDiv Cloud Library and tagDiv Composer to create a website that loads only the necessary code to make it perfect, just as you design it.

How to use the Standard Pack?

When you are installing the Newspaper Theme 10, you must go to WordPress Admin area > Newspaper Theme > Plugins and enable the Standard Pack plugin.

How to Install Standard Pack

Experienced WordPress user and installing Newspaper Theme for the first time – After you have completed the theme install is to go to the WordPress Admin area > Newspaper Theme > Plugins and deactivate the Standard Pack. Disabling the plugin will help you gain speed for your website. Load a PRO Demo to have a fast start and donโ€™t forget to cut the development and design time by importing elements and sections from the tagDiv Cloud Library. Than customize everything with the tagDiv Composer frontend page builder.

Updating Newspaper Theme and planning have the fastest website – If your website was created with a previous version of Newspaper Theme, you should update the theme according to the theme documentation. Leave the plugin active until all dependencies are removed. What do I mean? For example, your website uses one of the default headers from the theme panel, and you deactivate the Standard Pack, your header will be displayed as a series of text and symbols on the frontend.

Deactivate Standard Pack for blazing fast-websites

To gain page loading speed for your website, youโ€™ll need to deactivate the Standard Pack plugin. This step will separate the templates (pages, singles, headers, footer) youโ€™ve created or imported from the tagDiv Cloud Library from the ones built inside the Newspaper theme panel. All of the default templates from the theme and some of the elements from the tagDiv Composer will be disabled by deactivating the Standard Pack.

Increase your performance with Newspaper WordPress Theme

As a result, your website will start to load only the code necessary for the elements you actually use on the website speeding up your website. This means less HTML and CSS to handle and far more performance. This feature is available for both new and existing websites.

You have all the tools to start a beautiful website and take the page speed optimization to the next level:

  • Import a PRO demo – start designing on a light structure
  • tagDiv Cloud Library – over 800 elements, layouts, templates and sections, created by designers and hosted our servers. Download the templates you need (for single, category, 404, homepage, and so on) for free and enjoy creating your website.
  • With the Header Builder, you can use to create as many headers you need. Weโ€™ve also added SVG logos
  • tagDiv Composer frontend page builder – all the power to customize everything on the front end that makes you just as skilled as a professional web designer.

Why using the theme with the Cloud template Library? 

Let me give you only the best-of-the-best list:

  • Donโ€™t build everything from scratch! You have 12 PRO demos to use without the Standard Pack and build fast websites. Extraordinary flexibility to be creative in Newspaper Theme is ready to give you a hand in building legendary websites.
  • Customize everything from the smallest element in the header to the bottom of the page right on the frontend easily with the familiar tagDiv Composer page builder.
  • Gain extraordinary performance โ€“ With a lighter theme, your website will be faster. Using the Cloud Templates without the Standard Pack, you can import only what you use on the website. This makes your website load faster on servers and CDN. Import only the necessary code to make your website perfect, without a single line of unused code, making everything work blazing fast.

Import the Pro Demos with one click

Easily removing the dependencies

To make the transition from 9.8 to Newspaper 10 with Cloud templates, you need to ensure you gradually and smoothly remove the dependencies. Please read this, donโ€™t scan. Failing in removing dependencies prior to deactivating the Standard Pack will break your website.

How to remove dependencies

Removing dependencies means converting all the default theme panel templates to cloud library template which are fully editable using the tagDiv Composer. That can include:

  • PRO Demos
  • Single Post template
  • Category Template
  • Homepage Template

As in WordPress Standard functionality, Newspaper Theme alters:

  • single.php (the posts and articles), 
  • home.php (your homepage)
  • Archive pages (the archive pages)
  • author.php and date.php (the author profile pages)
  • category.php, (the categories pages)
  • tag.php, (the tag pages)
  • taxonomy.php (the taxonomy pages)
  • search.php (the search page)
  • header.php
  • footer.php
  • Sidebar.php

The new changes in tagDiv Composer

Hereโ€™s the complete list of templates influenced by the Standard Pack plugin:

In the theme panel:

  • 15 Headers
  • 8 Category templates
  • 10 Big Grids
  • 19 Modules for blocks
  • 14 Single post styles
  • 14 Footer templates

In the tagDiv Composer:

  • 25 Blocks
  • 12 Big Grids
  • 10 Big Grid Full
  • 1 Big Grid Slide


  • All the demos that are not marked as PRO Demos.

If your website uses any of the templates present there, you must replace it with its equivalent from the tagDiv Cloud Library. 

Weโ€™ve made it easy for you and recreated them. Almost every template from the theme panel already exists in the tagDiv Cloud Library. It should be easy to find the one thatโ€™s closer to your brand and import it on your website. Customize it using tagDiv Composer and assign it to replace the existing one. 

You must find and replace templates until youโ€™ve completed the process. Then simply deactivate the Standard Pack, and you are ready for speed and performance.

If you deactivate the plugin, itโ€™s like you hit a magic button, and you get absolute freedom and performance. Keep on reading as Iโ€™ll give you all the information on using Newspaper Theme and Standard Pack you need to make your website blazing-fast.

Take your website to the next level

In conclusion, if using the Newspaper theme with the Standard Pack plugin is like taking a shortcut straight to the treasure room, while with the Cloud Templates is the happy ending youโ€™ve always dreamed of. We are delighted to make these choices available to you. Have you already made the switch? Share your experience with us in the comments below.

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Alina S.
Alina S.
I am a WordPress enthusiast, digital and content marketer, copywriter, and sometimes storyteller. Originally trained as a journalist, I have a curious mind. I enjoy testing new technologies, discovering new ways to make things easier, and, especially, telling everybody stories about my discoveries. At tagDiv, my work focuses on designing great experiences for our visitors and customers.

Do you need any help with the Newspaper or Newsmag WordPress Themes? Please send us all the necessary details via email or create a new topic on our online forum. We're always happy to assist you.


  1. I would say that this is an excellent information and a very reliable source.
    I personally use newspaper and it works perfect!
    Thank you very much for your comprehensive and thorough explanation, it means a lot to us and will help beginners as well.

    • Thank you for the kind words, Naeem! We’re glad to read that you find our information useful and that you’re using the Newspaper theme on your website.

  2. nice info sir I have been waiting for The Newspaper 10 and Right Now here it is. I just Love the theme. my current theam is very slow. Again thanks to the TagDiv Developers!

  3. I’m using this awesome theme for my website but I have one question, since I enabled mobile theme, header anchor ads don’t show on mobile version. This is because there’s no place to add adsense code before the as recommended by Google for mobile template. Is there any other way to do this?

    • Hi,

      Thanks for using our theme! If you want to add some Ads into the Mobile Theme, please note that you should add them into the Ads section from the Mobile Theme panel from here -> http://prntscr.com/t4y6yq For more details about the mobile theme, please check here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/the-mobile-theme/ If you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and we are ready to help you.

      All the best!

      • Thanks for your response, all mobile adsense ads are showing without any issues, What I was asking was the sticky mobile ads that usually appear at the header when scrolling. Using responsive version on mobile devices is working great but once I activate the mobile plugin to use lighter version of theme on mobile devices, everything so far is great except missing anchor adsense ads that stick at the header. If there was a way around it, I will really appreciate, I’m missing out on some revenue coz of this.

        • Hi,

          The mobile theme uses different templates, including for the header, the ad spots for the mobile theme are in the Theme panel->Mobile theme. What are the requirements for those ads? Where are you entering the ad codes exactly? You can send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com and mention these details, also provide a link to the website, so we can take a look. Also include the license key in the email. We provide support by forum and by email. Let us know.

          Thank you!

  4. Finally i found. I have been waiting for The Newspaper 10 and Right Now here it is. I just Love the theme. my current theam is very slow. Again thanks to the TagDiv Developers!

    • Hi,

      We are so delighted to find such positive feedback on our work. Thank you very much for taking the time to write to us and share this with us!

      All the best!

  5. I switched on the Pro Templates for the entire site on April 30 and my Google ranking dropped so badly I thought it was the Google Update which started in May 4th.

    Then after debugging, I switched back to the default template about a week ago and my traffic has recovered.

    Did the Pro templates have a bug or something since I noticed most of my articles were deindexed during this time but now recovering after switching back to the normal template.

    I have also read that pagebuilders are not good for the posts when it comes to SEO.

    • Hi,

      Thank you for using our theme! Unfortunately, please note that we do not have any bad reports in that case and also, our PRO demo templates should working fine and have no restrictions on SEO. Unfortunately, this account is not assigned to our support forum and that’s why, if you need more technical assistance, you have to open a new support ticket at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ where you need to provide more details about your problem and we are ready to help you.

      All the best!

    • Hi,

      Thanks for your interest in our theme but please note that our product does not have any HTML version.

      All the best!

    • Hi,

      Please note that the speed of your website depends on how well your site is optimized. First of all, you will need to check the image size and try to optimize them if you want to bring good theme results. Also, note that we have a speed optimization tutorial but this is addressed only to advanced users. So, if you follow the steps which are presented in this tutorial here -> https://tagdiv.com/how-to-increase-page-loading-speed/ If you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and we are ready to help you.

      All the best!

  6. I have been waiting for The Newspaper 10 and Right Now here it is. I just Love the theme. Hope so you will do more in the future. Again thanks to the TagDiv Developers

    • Hi,

      Unfortunately, the mobile theme header cannot be changed. The header can be customized form Header Cloud Template but not only for Mobile Theme. If you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and we are ready to help you.

      Best regards!

      Best regards!

  7. Hi,

    Fist off, I would say this is an excellent piece of information and a much trusted source.
    I personally use Newspaper and it works perfect!
    Thank you so much for your comprehensive and in depth explanation, means a lot to us and would also help to beginners.

    Kudos to your hardwork!

    • Hi Shubham,

      Thank you for being our awesome customer! We are very happy to discover your kind words about us and our product. Thank you <3. Stay Safe!

  8. Hey tagdiv I have started using your theme from past 1 month but when i submit my sitemap on search console all my pages get excluded because of tags which i have given also have seperate canonical tags which becomes duplicate content. So google not index that pages please help me.

    • Hi Vivek! Thank you for commenting. Can you please include this message as well as additional information into an email to contact@tagdiv.com or open a new topic on forum.tagdiv.com? Our Support Team is ready to assist you! Unfortunately, the Blog area is not assigned to the Customer Support Center. Thank you so much for understanding!

  9. Hey tagdiv i have fallen love with you such an amazing theme with the wonderful design and best recommended pugins. The best things is of amp version which gives better look on mobile pages keep it up.

    • Hello,

      We are glad you love our theme and that it suits your needs! Thank you very much for taking the time to review our theme and share this inspiring feedback with us!

      Best regards!

  10. Hello folks,

    A newspaper is one of my favorite WordPress themes due to a variety of different reasons. Thanks for providing us such a resourceful theme which can deploy new idea into reality in just a moment of few click. Looking forward to some new features related to Google news and better-accrelated mobile page score.

  11. I was waiting for the newspaper 10 theme and here it is,very amazing theme and the best thing of newspaper themes are they have seperate plugin for amp thanks divi for such amazing theme

    • Hello,

      We are glad you love our theme and that it suits your needs! Thank you very much for taking the time to review our theme and share this inspiring feedback with us!

      Best regards!

    • Hello,

      Thank you for your kind message! We appreciate that you share your best thoughts regarding our theme!

      Warm regards!

  12. Thank You Sooooooo Much for this Biggest Update. I have been waiting for The Newspaper 10 and Right Now here it is. I just Love the theme. Hope so you will do more in the future. Again thanks to the TagDiv Developers!

    • Hi,

      Thank you for such great words! You have made our day ๐Ÿ™‚ One of our main goals is to please every customer!

      Best regards!

  13. Hello , thanks , It seems I am not able to apply codes in my header for it to be recognised . Mots of my third Party ads are not rendering because the ads companies claim they are not seeing the codes in my header and footer , Any help ?

    • Hi Jonathan,

      Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you please provide more information about this situation? Please open a new topic on forum.tagdiv.com or send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com so that our support team can assist you in this regard. Unfortunately, the Blog area is not assigned to the Customer Support Center. I’m sorry! Thank you so much for understanding. Stay Safe!

  14. Hi,
    i had used this theme in my blog and it is amazing. And I really appreciate your efforts, You write such an amazing article. Thanks for this update.

    • Hello,

      Thank you for your kind thoughts and words! We are delighted to discover that our work itโ€™s appreciated the way you do. We truly value your feedback!

      Best regards!

  15. Hi, Thanks for the new update of newspaper 10, i use this theme for my client the best part of this i like cutomization and ads placement.. easily Awesome.

    • Hello,

      Thank you for your kind thoughts and words! We are delighted to discover that our work itโ€™s appreciated the way you do. We truly value your feedback!

      Best regards!

  16. Thank You So Much for this Biggest Update. I have been waiting for The Newspaper 10 and Right Now here it is. I Love the theme. Hope so you will do more in the future. Again thanks to the TagDiv Developers!

  17. Hi guys,

    Long time “costumer” (since 2014).
    We’ve been delaying jumping into to cloud wagon. We’ve tested a simple disconnect of the standard pack, on a staging deployment, and we obviously noticed all the “headers and footers” needing some work. One lame question, coming from an happy user with few webdesign knowledge: do we need to redo all these details ourselves or is there any “magical step”, via cloud importing, that might allow us to do the transition without having to redo stuff again? Depending on your awnser we’ll probably decide between sticking to standard a bit more and/or face a whole website “redo from scratch” approach.


    • Hello,

      Thank you for choosing our theme! Please check our Cloud Templates Library because there you will find a lot of default templates created with our new Cloud Technology and you should simply import them for your website. Also, if you have some customizations at your old templates, it is possible to be needed to make a new redesign for all of these using the Td Composer page builder. Further, if you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and we are ready to help you.

      Hope this helps!
      Best regards!

  18. Thank You So Much for this Biggest Update. I have been waiting for The Newspaper 10 and Right Now here it is. I just Love the theme. Hope so you will do more in the future. Again thanks to the TagDiv Developers!

  19. I love the newspaper theme. This is one of the best SEO and user-friendly theme. I appreciate your effort. You have written a great article about the newspaper theme

  20. I am also a user of newspaper theme . I will update version 10. I love the newspaper theme. This is one of the best SEO and user-friendly theme. I appreciate your effort. You have written a great article about the newspaper theme

  21. Thank You Sooooooo Much for this Biggest Update. I have been waiting for The Newspaper 10 and Right Now here it is. I just Love the theme. Hope so you will do more in the future. Again thanks TagDiv Developers!

    • Hello,

      Thank you for such great words! You have made our day ๐Ÿ™‚ One of our main goals is to please every customer!

      Warm regards!

  22. I am also a user of newspaper theme . I will update version 10. But problem is when i deactivate standard pack website headers gone and i didn’t see any header templates in theme panel.

    You mentioned “Deactivate Standard Pack for blazing fast-websites” so if headers, footers ..etc gone how can i make header, footer etc

    • Hi,

      Thank you for reaching us! Please note that we strongly recommend disabling the Standard Pack plugin only if all of your elements from the theme were created with Cloud Template. Otherwise, you should keep active the Standard Pack if you want to achieve better results for the other elements which were not created with our Cloud. Further, if you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and our team are ready to assist you.

      I hope that you understand the process!

      Best regards!

  23. I love the newspaper theme. This is one of the best SEO and user-friendly theme. I appreciate your effort. You have written a great article about the newspaper theme. Thanks, I eagerly waiting for your next publication.

    • Hi,

      Thank you for your kind thoughts and words! We are delighted to discover that our work itโ€™s appreciated the way you do. We truly value your feedback!

      Warm regards!

  24. Keep up the great work TagDiv. I love the TD Composer and this article was instrumental in our media organization hitting 98 percent on speed tests. You are the best. Don’t stop.

  25. The only thing that this theme misses is the speed, I heard many neagtive reviews about newspaper theme that this is too big in size which makes the site slow, but with this update my site speed improves a lot. Thanks again guys, otherwise I have to shift to some other site if this doesn’t comes.

    • Hi,

      The speed of your website depends on how well your site is optimized. Please make a test, please deactivate all of the untested plugins and make a speed test to see the difference. Also please notice that deactivating the standard pack will not make the site very fast, the speed will increase because will be load only the CSS that is used, but the website still needs to be optimized, because the speed of your website depends on how well your website is optimized if you follow the steps which are presented in this tutorial here -> https://tagdiv.com/how-to-increase-page-loading-speed/ youโ€™ll be able to increase the speed of your website.
      Here are some similar topics that you can check: -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/topic/optimize-script-to-improve-site-speed/ Further, if you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum and our expert’s team are ready to assist you.

      Thank you for your understanding!

    • Hi,

      It is not a good idea if you were used WPBackery for the whole of your website (post and pages). If you have used the Bakery only on the homepage, you can easily recreate the page elements with our TD Composer. However, in the future, if you want to achieve better theme results, we strongly recommend using our TD Composer as a page builder. As a suggestion, you should make a full backup to your database until updating the theme, make a new subdomain for testing (like a staging website) and update there the theme and check how it works. I have suggested this way to avoid breaking the live website until you will update the theme. Further, if you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and our team are ready to assist you.

      Hope this helps!
      Best regards!

        • Hi,

          Our recommendation is to use only TD Composer as a page builder if you want to achieve better theme results. If you want to use WPBackery Page Builder, you must be aware that some problems may occur. If you need more technical assistance, please open a new topic at our support forum from here -> https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ Also, if you need an old version of the theme, please send us a request at our email address at contact@tagdiv.com.

          Thank you!

  26. Hi. I tried version 10, but since we had edited several Single post templates, like moving author box and comments up,
    we really didn’t understand where to edit this in 10, since the new only have single.php.
    Any advices how top edit the different post styles in Newspaper 10, so we are not stuck with 9.6?


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