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Design Trends: Written in Bold Fonts to Inspire Your Newspaper Website


Created by innovative minds, typography is a two-dimensional art, guided by readability rules to make something catch the eye. The graphic designer and author of type psychology – Sarah Hyndman – pointed out in one of her TEDx talks that “fonts turn words into stories.” As humans, we are type consumers. Understanding that the power of typography can be a guiding tool for the audience is vital. What’s your website style? Elegant, bold, inspiring? Is it sophisticated and eye-catching? In today’s article, I will guide you through the impressive world of fonts. With Newspaper Theme and a great font, your website will be bold.

Bold Fonts - Newspaper Theme Typography

Say it’s Bold and Discover the History

Don’t take bold as bold. In typography, bold represents a characteristic of fonts. Bold as a word is something noteworthy to the eye. Bold means thick. Bold is confidence.

Between the 1990s and the 2000s, we went through a digital type revolution that affected how typography was perceived and viewed. Long before web design appeared, there were print designers that used typography on posters, flyers, newspapers, books, and so on. Bold fonts help you tell your story in a clear and accurate way. Nowadays, web designers take inspiration from old book covers and how fonts appeared on them to design and create new forms and layouts with HTML and CSS. In 2019, fonts are bigger and bolder making web design more noticeable. We could talk about bold fonts as a web design trend. Let’s show the most popular ways they can highlight your site.

On a solid-color background where the bold fonts are followed by text columns, they grab all the attention. If you add text written in bold fonts on top of an image, your visitors have an easier time reading it. Another way to use bold fonts is to engage asymmetry to create alluring designs. The asymmetric technique, colors and bold points allow readers to balance their eyes between the focal points while creating tension and movement. The fourth tip is to make a bold font as part of the background. You can use either Z-index property from the Newspaper Theme or an image editing program to integrate fonts behind a silhouette.

If you love minimalism, keep an eye on bold fonts. While using oversized typography on your website, you keep other visual elements clean and elegant.

Bold Types to Engage your Audience

There are modern, bold fonts that look amazing on newspaper-related websites. Even handwritten fonts or messy fonts can be bold.

Who said that only headlines could be bold and impressive? To get all the attention over your beautiful website, you should use bold fonts anywhere. Whether you want to highlight parts on the sidebar, use them on short excerpts or titles over images, visual hierarchy is the most important component of any website. Make them stay. Don’t let them leave! Yeah, I’m talking about your readers. They look through your site without noticing the smallest details you usually pay attention to. Visitors are attracted by great images, readable & big fonts, representative icons, and other visual elements.

Bold Fonts - Newspaper website aspect

Newspaper Theme & Front End Editing

Communication between you and your site visitors is based on multiple factors, and one of them is good typography. Did you know that a font selection (including sizes, colors, and styles) can ruin your website if it’s not adapted to its whole style? In web design, keeping the balance between the overall look of your site and every element you show is a tricky job. This is better when you have something to rely on, such as Newspaper Theme and the available font packs to emphasize your content.

With Newspaper, you are able to import whatever font you love. Furthermore, it supports custom font files, Typekit Fonts, and Google Fonts, and you can add them from the Theme Panel. If you want to import custom fonts, make sure they are in .woff format. Choose from a wide range of both free and premium bold fonts out there on the web. By default, Newspaper uses Roboto and Open Sans font families.

Designer’s choice: Montserrat Fonts and Newspaper Theme

Montserrat is a Google Font which looks amazing if it’s bold. With 8 different weights, you can show off your important information within semi-bold, semi-bold italic, extra-bold, extra-bold-italic, black, or black italic types.

Do you know who crafted Montserrat? Julieta Ulanovsky, a winning typeface graphic designer from Argentina. When designing the Montserrat font family, she took her inspiration from the Buenos Aires neighborhood it was named after. In the urban typography, the traditional old posters and signs had a major impact on how this beautiful font turned out. On the Google Fonts page, the description of Montserrat says: “the letters that inspired this project have work, dedication, care, color, contrast, light and life, day and night!”

Bring contemporary aesthetics to your blog, news, and magazine website with the modern and bold Montserrat fonts and the Newspaper Theme. In tagDiv Composer, you can manage fonts from the ‘Style’ tab. Choose their size, line height, style, weight, text transformation, and letter spacing. Get a newspaper feel for your single post by making the title of it BIG and BOLD in no time. Place the subtitle and the content below the title, and use the left sidebar to show a description of your blog by using an inline text. As an example, the big single post title could use Montserrat 900 bold. To maintain a good readability rhythm, the subtitle’ size should be 22 px in size, while the post content can be between 14 to 16 px.

Bold Fonts - Design Typography

Bright and eye-catching for a Stylish Website

Bold fonts can also be extra bold. They can have high contrast or be thick & compact at the same time. Furthermore – extra bold and vintage is a combination that can be perfect on newspapers with old design apparel. You have unlimited possibilities to find stylish fonts.

Everyone has heard of Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana or Georgia fonts. Use your research tools to find a more stylish font and make it bold. Use photography or video programs to include bold typography within beautiful images or animations. It’s a great way to give your website the tonality it needs to keep global design consistency and originality. Wow your audience, as the first impression matters and visitors’ eyes don’t move at a snail’s pace. They literally scan everything.

Typography is Your Website Middle Name

What bold fonts do you use on your website? What happens when you choose a font you like, but it’s not very readable? You lose traffic, visitors, or even the SERP ranking. So, if you want to catch users’ attention, big and bold is better than small and thin. Create something they can easily read, and that tells a story visually. An overall consistency between elements has a positive impact on the user’s experience and can give your site a boost in traffic.

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Alina G.
Alina G.
After a long journey through fine arts, I finally found the place that challenges me every day. With a strategic approach, I’m creating valuable and relevant content about our products and the news industry. My innate conversational skills are my strongest point.

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