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Newspaper Theme 9.5 Update: What’s new in the Newspaper Theme

Featured Image for Newspaper 9.5

Last year was an exciting one. Over 76,000 dedicated journalists, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and developers have inspired us every day to be more creative. Together, we’ve made the Newspaper Theme the #1 Selling News Theme of all times and we thank you for this!

Are you planning for an outstanding 2019? We hope you are because we’re starting this year with an incredible update. The Newspaper 9.5 introduces the magic Header Builder, giving you new superpowers to design and create amazing experiences for your visitors. Beautiful Demos, stunning elements, intuitive options and innovative functionality that helps you build everything easier and faster on the front end. Newspaper 9.5 is a free update for all our customers. If you own a theme License, or you’re about to acquire one, all the features below and more are waiting for you.

So, what’s new?

Newspaper Theme 9.5 3 Demos

 3 New Professionally Designed Demos

Fast start your website with unique Demos! Explore the new Nomad, Racing and Home Decor Demos. Crafted with love by our designers, both are ready to help you create an engaging website in no time. Each demo is built with tagDiv Composer page builder using templates from the tagDiv Cloud Library. You can import the demo you love and easily customize everything: from colors, elements, layouts to page structures and everything in between.

Introducing the Header Builder

The header has always been one of the most important parts of your website for obvious reasons. From here you start to create your brand, and this is also the first thing that should make a strong impression on your visitors. Newspaper Theme 9.5 is an essential update because it brings you a new functionality that helps you create amazing websites for your audience without touching a single line of code.

For the first time, it’s surprisingly easy to create awesome logos, add elements, and customize everything on your header, right on the frontend. With Newspaper Theme, you can now design unique experiences for your visitors on every page.

Ten beautiful elements like logo, menu, login, live search, categories list, date, and weather are ready for you to use. Combine them precisely the way you like into your perfect header. Take the tour of the powerful Header Manager and explore this feature.

30+ New Designs you’ll fall in love with

You can stop thinking of logos, identifiers, and ads. Start quickly with a header layout designed for your needs. Enjoy the pleasure of using beautiful headers specially built for branding.

To make everything even more accessible, our team of designers created dozens of predefined header templates you can import with a single click and each one is automatically assigned on the page you’re editing. Over 30+ handcrafted header templates are waiting for you in the tagDiv Cloud Library. Whatever you plan for your header, with Newspaper everything is perfectly balanced!

Newspaper Theme 9.5 Headers

Customize, customize, customize

Design a minimalistic header to impress the audience, all without any coding skills. Yes! This is the power of Newspaper Theme. Each element of your header is now fully customizable, and you choose what items you want on your header. Even more, for each component of the header, you can alter its appearance with ease, right on the front end with tagDiv Composer page builder. It’s Magic!

Integrated Logo Design

How should your website’s logo look like? Is it an image or text? Centered, oversized, or it might be aligned to the right? Great! Newspaper Theme gives you all the tools to design and seamlessly integrate your logo into the header.

All the power of the tagDiv Composer front end page builder is now working for your headers, too, and helps you design logos like a professional designer. From pixel perfect alignment and taglines, endless colors and gradients, to custom typography, you have infinite possibilities to create a logo that fits your website like a glove. Read more about this feature in a dedicated article on our blog.

New Header Main Menu

With unique headers for your every page, you can redesign the main menu from the ground up. The Newspaper Theme brings you the power of the tagDiv Composer through an intuitive interface to enhance the navigation on your website.

For the first time, you can create different menus to serve various pages. Choose which items you want for your main menu and add them. Now, Newspaper Theme helps you create navigation with categories, pages, links, posts, and subcategories. You have all the tools you need to guide your visitors smoothly through your website’s architecture.

Also, we’ve added options to customize the style of your navigation bar without hassle. The versatility you love in the Flex Block is available for your menus, too. Explore this feature here.

Slick Designs for mobiles

Stop cramming the header’s desktop version into mobile screens! The Newspaper Theme brings you options to create different versions of each header for specific devices. Drag and drop the desired elements right on the frontend and test your header in real conditions with a few clicks.

Mobile Header Beach

The new header builder comes with two sections dedicated for mobiles. Choose or create the layout you want for desktop, then try it on mobile with a single click. Customize the main menu for small screen devices by adding or removing elements from your navigation bar. You can also style all the components, and choose smooth transitions on the scroll.

Start now and make a fantastic Mobile Header!

Live Search on the header

Build complete experiences without any web design skills! The Newspaper Theme comes with a Live Search function that will make your visitors thank you. It helps your visitors quickly access the desired content by giving results based on the input keyword and each letter typed into the form.

Drag and drop it to your header and customize it. You’ve got virtually unlimited options available to you. Test out the Live Search designs to find the one that works best with the rest of your website’s style.

Infinite Autoloading

In Newspaper theme 9.5 we’re introducing a long-expected feature. The Infinite Loading function on posts is finally here. This is great news for all the publishers out there because now you can give your visitors an excellent reason to stay longer on your website.

Ready to be used globally on the site, you can choose which content to be loaded next. Use older or newer posts, or even posts from the same category and provide great user experiences on your site.

WordPress 5.0+ and Gutenberg Compatibility

Another fantastic news about the functionalities of Newspaper Theme 9.5 is related to the Gutenberg compatibility. As you all know, it was compatible with WordPress 5.0 right from the start. In this update, we’ve improved the integration between our template and WordPress 5.0.3 to give you a delightful journey.

In Newspaper Theme, the Gutenberg editor is now matching the frontend output, indeed becoming ‘what you see is what you get.’ This also includes the used fonts and dynamic styles coming from theme settings. Moreover, it brings you support for the .alignwide and .alignfull classes for wide-images to help you create your beautiful content easier.

So, what’s the next step for you? See the features of the Newspaper Theme or the full list of changes.

Update your theme to get access to the new features and options. You’ll find all the instructions on how to update here. We hope you’ll enjoy using the Newspaper Theme on your website!


Alina S.
Alina S.
I am a WordPress enthusiast, digital and content marketer, copywriter, and sometimes storyteller. Originally trained as a journalist, I have a curious mind. I enjoy testing new technologies, discovering new ways to make things easier, and, especially, telling everybody stories about my discoveries. At tagDiv, my work focuses on designing great experiences for our visitors and customers.

Do you need any help with the Newspaper or Newsmag WordPress Themes? Please send us all the necessary details via email or create a new topic on our online forum. We're always happy to assist you.

  1. Hello my friends
    I wanted to know if the latest update of the template includes support for right-to-left writing
    If it does not exist, will this feature be added soon?

    • Hi! Thank you for reaching out to us and for the given interest. The Newspaper theme has not been developed to support the RTL version. Also, please note that it is not an easy task to rewrite all the theme’s functionality including the core page builder and required plugins to make it RTL; this means that the theme might be affected and we cannot provide support for this. If you change your mind and want to keep your website for the left to right language, please let us know. If you have more pre-sale questions, please drop us a line at contact@tagdiv.com. We’d love to assist you! Thank you for understanding. Have a lovely day!

  2. Hi, I’ve seen almost every famous news themes exist, yours was the only theme with huge amount of features that is Lightweight as well,
    but we have to buy some other themes that are really heavy with lots of extra plugins just becuase we can’t use your theme,
    i’ve seen your 3.1 version was supporting rtl but your latest doesn’t, please consider adding this feature for future updates,
    i’m sure there is huge amount of webmasters who want their rtl website to load fast and lightweight and this can’t be achieved without your theme. thanks

    • Hi Justa,

      Thank you for your given interest. Unfortunately, the Newspaper theme is not developed to support the RTL version, as it is not an easy task to rewrite all the theme’s functionality including the core page builder and required plugins to make it RTL; this means that the theme might be affected and we cannot provide support for this. I’m sorry!

      If you change your mind and want to build a website for the left to right language, please send us your pre-sale questions at contact@tagdiv.com, and we would be happy to assist you.

      Thank you so much for understanding! Have a lovely day 🙂

  3. Hi everyone! We are developing a new project, we have used many different types of templates. The truth about this topic we would like to point out how easy and manageable it is. We leave you a link to the site in case it is worth it as a reference. As we use it more we will comment on yields, but at the moment the truth is very happy. Greetings to all!

    • Hello,

      We are so delighted to find such positive feedback on our work. Thank you very much for taking the time to write to us!

      Best regards!

  4. it is the best theme i have ever seen BUT i have an issue with the header logo it seems tiny (small) i wish i could make it bigger so it can be eye catching do you guys have any solution for my problem ??

    thank you in advance

    • Hello,

      Thank you for your feedback! If you want to change or edit your logo section, you should edit the Header Template and make the changes from there using the TD Composer. Unfortunately, the blog is not assigned to the support team. For support, please open a new topic on forum.tagdiv.com / http://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and provide all the details. Our expert team is ready to assist you ASAP.

      Best regards!

  5. Hi,
    I am using Newspaper 9 theme. How can I enable the Header Manager here? or I have to update with 9.5?
    I need an unrget reply please.

  6. i have a problem with mobile theme, mobile menu show me there no articles for each category in the menu.
    i want to ask if there any mobile theme switcher??

  7. do you have to launch a demonstration for who has a geek-nerd site about movies, series, anime and games of this type?

  8. Hi, I have been trying to cofigure the mobile theme for my website. But I am stuck due to mobile theme creating blank webpage for all of my custom made pages. I really need to know how to generate those pages for mobile: whether some additional plugin is required for the task or the functionality is there in the theme panel but I am unable to find it. Any sort of help will be appreciated.

  9. Hello Alina,
    we currently have NewsPaper 9.2.2. (from a few weeks) still installed and we’ve seen there’s a new version 9.6.1 for the theme.

    We saw the preview of the update and it seems that some content in homepage is not loaded correctly (some symbols goes in the middle of a post box, for example, by dividing it in two parts).

    Our question is: is the preview 100% always right and maybe we should wait for some next update or do you advice to update the same and goes back to a backup in case the updated version has same problems as the preview one?

    (We use a child version of the theme).

    Thank you very much!

    • Hi Angelo,

      Thank you for using Newspaper theme on your site! The latest Newspaper version is working flawlessly – please take a look at how to update the theme correctly, here https://tagdiv.com/update-newspaper-theme/. If you have some custom modifications on your child theme, you should update only the main theme, without any customizations, and also, try to disable the untested plugins. Angelo, please provide more details about the “update preview”, and we will investigate why some content is not loaded properly on your homepage. You can send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com to allow us admin access, and also provide cPanel access if possible (please don’t share any information about your privacy here). Thank you for understanding!

      • Hi Alina G,
        thank you very much for your quick reply, it’s very confortating and reassuring knowing that you provide such fast and precious support to the theme also via blog!

        About your suggestion, I checked the preview of the current version and surprisingly it shows the homepage the same way as shown by the preview of the last theme version. So I don’t see it as a problem anymore.

        I went trough the theme update tutorial after disabling all the plugins as you asked and everything seems went fine, thank you 🙂

    • Hi,

      Thank you for your appreciation, the auto-load was a much requested feature. Now it is available in the theme and ready to use.

      Thank you!

    • Hi,

      Changing the wordpress language to a RTL language will do that. Note that the theme does not support RTL, there will be design issues in this case also some elements may not work properly.

      Thank you!

  10. hi~ TagDiv, I have a question I want to ask you. Can I activate several of my sites if I purchase your Newspaper WP theme?

  11. I know you’re a team that does great work. But it’s sad to see many mistakes in this theme. But it’s sad to see many mistakes in this theme. Moreover, very small mistakes are overlooked! image alt = “” values are empty and validator.w3.org errors exist. Against all odds Newspaper is my favorite theme.

  12. Hi

    Any ideas on how to update from Newspaper 7 to Newspaper 9.5 which I have just bought. Or if you continue buying a 7 licence does it upgrade. I have been trying all afternoon and still seem to be running Newspaper 7. If anyone can help and tell me how to upgrade after buying a second licence I would be most grateful.


    • Hi, Nigel!

      Thank you for reaching to us. Lets say you have two Newspaper Theme license – A and B, each one used on a different website. A is version 7. You can update it via WordPress, via FTP, or automatically – Please see this step-by-step guide – https://tagdiv.com/update-newspaper-theme/. After the update, your A license will become the latest Newspaper version (9.5). You can do this without buying a different license, as updates are free forever.

      Now, your B license for the other website is still version 7, as the licenses are separate. To update it, you need the follow the steps from the guide above.
      If you have more questions for us or you need help, please open a new topic on https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/. Our support team is ready to assist you.
      I hope you’ll find this helpful! 🙂

  13. Hi there. What major changes would I have to make if I go from Newsmag to Newspaper? And is there a money-back guarantee? I am currently facing compatibility issues with woocommerce using newsmag. Thanks.

  14. Hi theme is very good but there is a huge vulnerability. user register section. After registering, you will receive a link to maile wordpress admin login. Although I use the “hide wps login” plugin, I can’t keep the link because of the theme.

    • Hi,

      The theme itself doesn’t send any emails, these are managed by WordPress, or a plugin, or the hosting if they provide an emailing service. The register/login the theme uses is the one provided by WordPress, with extra design (modal window). If you have more questions please send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com and mention as many details as possible about it.

      Thank you!

  15. Hello Alina,
    thank you for the informing about these major updates.

    Please, I hope you’ll give in the future the option to make a reverse-cronological order of posts inside categories (from older ones to the most recent ones).
    I know it could sound strange for a news website, but in some cases/blogs it helps!

    Thank you

  16. Your template is fantastic. I am very happy that you are from Romania like me. With every update that appears, the template gets better and so does the design. I would like to ask you when a template for a hospital or a medical clinic? Keep it up and the Newspaper will become the best theme on the themeforest.

    • Hi, MIky!

      Thank you for being our awesome customer! Your feedback inspires us to be more creative. I’ve added you Demo request on our list, but I can’t make any promises. Meanwhile, please take a look at the Dental Studio Demo, maybe it can give you a design base to build on. Multumim mult ❤️ pentru gandurile bune si cuvintele frumoase.

    • Hi, Higgins!

      To update the theme, first, you need to log into your themeforest.net account and download the new version. There are more ways to update the theme, and each one is described step-by-step in this article. I hope you’ll find the articles useful. If you need assistance, our Customer Support Team is ready to give you a helping hand. All you have to do is to open a new topic on the forum and provide all the relevant details. Thank you!

  17. Dear friends,
    You are amazing. I’ve never regretted using the newspaper theme. I’ve even applied some of the new features to my blog :).
    Please do not slow down.

  18. You wrote in the changelog that there is possible to set that when You scroll down the post, site will load another one. I cannot see that option and where to set.

    • Hi, Jan!

      We’re glad you feel this way. If you need assistance or you have questions, our Customer Support Team is ready to give you a helping hand. All you have to do is to open a new topic on the forum and provide all the relevant details.

      I hope you enjoy using the Newspaper Theme!

  19. Question about infinite scrolling. Is it good for SEO? Does scrolling to another post register a new pageview in analytics? Any resources you can point me to where I can read more on this? Not sure I’m ready to turn this on until I know more about it.

    • Hi, Ryan!

      Thank you for your interest in Newspaper Theme and this feature! When the visitor is scrolling an article and reaches the bottom, the next one loads. The autoload feature is built to bring the new articles just like a user that clicked on a title and loaded a page. There’s no difference between a post loaded by click ( the usual) and an autoloaded article from the Analytics point of view. That’s the beauty of this feature as it helps your visitors read more of your interesting content without the need to click away. It should help with your SEO efforts, as it increases the page views (here a Yoast article regarding page views).

      I hope you’ll find this useful.
      Have a beautiful day!

    • Hi, Dk!

      Thank you for using the Newspaper theme! You can update the theme in three different ways: automatically, via WordPress admin or vis FTP. You’ll find all the details in this guide.

      After the update, you can use the autoloading feature on your articles. You can find the info about how to activate it and why use it in this blog post

      If you need assistance, our Customer Support Team is ready to give you a helping hand. All you have to do is to open a new topic on forum and provide all the relevant details.
      Have a beautiful day!

  20. Hello! Thank you very much for the article, it has been very nice. We have work two times with newspaper 9 theme and it has been a good experience. We have the same problem tham up. Is very dificult change the h1. We show you teh site. https://lanzarote.fun/ We think if you get made easier change the h1 we will use more and more times. Anuway, we loved this theme. All the best from Bilbao!!

    • Hi!
      Thank you for reaching to us and for your feedback!
      I’m sorry to hear that you are facing issues. Please open a new topic in the Customer Support Center – https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and provide all the relevant details. Our support team is ready to assist you. If you don’t already have an account, please create one (it takes about 1 minute). Unfortunately, the Blog is not assigned to the Customer Support Center and it takes longer to receive technical help here.
      Thank you for understanding! ?

  21. I created a website with the newspaper template 9. I have created 4 sections to position in Google with the h1 h2 and h3 defined but it appears in all the sections the same h1, it does not give me place to be able to optimize the seo of the web page . Could you please indicate how I could change the different h1 of the different urls? Thank you very much and greetings to all. I attached link to the website and its different sections https://www.casas.tech/

    • Thank you for reaching to us! Please open a new topic in the Customer Support Center – https://forum.tagdiv.com/forum/newspaper/ and provide all the relevant details. Our support team is ready to assist you. If you don’t already have an account, please create one (it takes about 1 minute). Unfortunately, the Blog is not assigned to the Customer Support Center. Thank you for understanding! ?

        • Hi,

          For the backend there aren’t currently any videos if that is what you are referring to. You can build a page with the tagDiv composer, or even import a ready made homepage or page from the cloud library, then set it as homepage. If you have questions about this or you need help, please create a new topic in the theme forum or send us an email at contact@tagdiv.com. Let us know.

          Thank you!


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